The end ⌞Error⌝

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"Yue, you're not a hero, you're simply mentally ill!" These were the last words Yueting could remember Meiyang saying

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"Yue, you're not a hero, you're simply mentally ill!" These were the last words Yueting could remember Meiyang saying.

As thousands of screens appeared in front of Yueting, her whole view was soon filled with screens simply saying:


Slowly, Yueting felt herself losing consciousness. Unable to keep standing, she began falling backward, down the cliff.

The final resounding noise Yueting registered was a sharp "klack," reminiscent of something fracturing. It appeared one of her swords had met its demise, leaving her now with only one blade, or perhaps none at all.

Why am I always the one falling off cliffs? This is the second time, out of two times!

As the shattered remnants of her swords cascaded around her, Yueting closed her eyes, bracing for impact as she collided with the ground.

Opening her eyes, Yueting found herself in a white room, with no windows, no doors, nothing. Everything around her was a big white pillow. Even her bed was simply a big white blob.

She was in a mental hospital, maybe an asylum.


Panic gripped her chest like a vice, squeezing out every breath of hope. Memories flooded her mind—memories of battles fought, loves lost, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny she could no longer grasp.

As Yueting lay in the sterile confines of the mental hospital, the weight of Meiyang's words pressed down on her like a leaden blanket. Each syllable echoed in the empty expanse of her mind, resonating with a truth she couldn't bear to acknowledge.

She tried to make sense of it all, to piece together the fragments of her shattered reality. But the more she struggled, the deeper she sank into the abyss of despair. Doubt gnawed at her sanity, tearing at the fabric of her identity until she no longer knew where the truth ended and the illusion began.

Was it all just a figment of her fractured mind? Were the demons and cultivators, the battles and victories, nothing more than delusions woven by her own madness?

And as days blurred into nights, and nights into days, Yueting began to wonder if she would ever find her way back to reality. Perhaps Meiyang was right—perhaps she was not a hero, but merely a victim of her own delusions.

Days turned into weeks, and Yueting found herself adrift in a sea of uncertainty. She longed for the familiar chaos of battle, the adrenaline-fueled rush of combat that had once defined her existence. But now, there was only the suffocating stillness of the hospital room, and the loud thoughts filling her mind. 

Yueting was truly descending into madness. She couldn't discern what was real anymore. Slowly but surely, she couldn't deny the madness anymore and fully succumbed. The system, the world traveling, Meiyang's love—none of it was real.

This descent into madness was worse than anything she had experienced in her childhood.


❝In the end, I was but a pawn in the game of my own creation, lost in the labyrinth of my fractured mind

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❝In the end, I was but a pawn in the game of my own creation, lost in the labyrinth of my fractured mind.❝

I cried writing the last 2 chapters yet they seem so boringggg, I really hope you all like it though

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I cried writing the last 2 chapters yet they seem so boringggg, I really hope you all like it though

 yours sincerely, Shiro (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)

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