Chapter 29

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9 months later (At the hospital)

Kim pov...

Kim is sitting outside of the labour room.. Suddenly, The whole family of Theerapanyakul come towards Kim and look at Kim... Macau then ask.. 'Phi.. How is it?' Kim then say... 'I don't know Macau.. Im afraid.. Im really afraid right now..' Kinn rub Kim's shoulders to comfort him...

Meanwhile inside of the labour room...

Porsche is almost out of his breath and start to feel weak... Porsche then ask.. 'Why won't the baby come out?...' The female doctor then say... 'Porsche.. Come on sweetie.. You can do it...' Porsche cry in pain and push again... Porsche then look at the doctor and faint... The nurse then say... 'Oh no! Mr Porsche!' The female doctor then say.. 'You must call his husband! Only Mr Kim can help! Go!' Mr Porsche! Please wake up! You can't stop now! You can't give up now! 'The female doctor press Porsche's belly downwards gently..

The nurse come out from the labour room and say..' Mr Kim.. Please go inside! Mr Porsche is fainted... 'Kim look at his family.. Thankhun push Kim to go into the labour.. The nurse then go into the labour room and close the door... Kim walk towards Porsche and say...' Sweetheart... Wake up.. Its me...'
Porsche open his eyes and cry again... Kim hold Porsche's hands tight and kiss it gently... Porsche then take a deep breath and continue to push twice... Kim stroke Porsche's wet hair and say.. 'You can do it sweetheart..' Porsche then push again and again.. The doctor then say.. 'I already see the baby head! Keep going!' Porsche then push again and again... The 1st baby finally come out... Kim look at Porsche with a tears in his eyes... Porsche touch Kim's cheek and smile weakly... The doctor then say.. 'There is another baby Mr Kim..' Porsche then squeeze Kim's hands and continue to push twice... Kim then say.. 'A bit more sweetheart..' Porsche then push again and see the 2nd baby finally come out as well.. The doctor quickly cut the umbilical cord and wrap the baby and give to the nurse to be clean... Kim kiss Porsche's forehead and cry in silence... Porsche wipe Kim's tears and cry as well... The doctor then say.. 'Congratulations.. You both have a baby boy and baby girl..Kim kiss Porsche's forehead twice and say..' I must wait outside sweetheart.. I will see you later alright..? 'Porsche nod slowly and allow his beloved husband to leave.. Kim then walk towards the door and open it.. Kim come out from the labour room and sit outside... Everyone give Kim a hugs and say...' Congratulations to you Kim Kimhan... 'Kim then stand up and hug his family...

After 15 minutes later..

Porsche come out with a doctor.. The doctor then say...' I will put Porsche into a ward now... Follow me.. And.. Please don't make any noise.. 'Everyone nod in respond and follow up from behind... As the doctor go into the ward.. Kim gently carry Porsche in his arms and slowly put Porsche onto the bed... Suddenly.. There's 2 nurse come in with the babies and smile...Porchay smile and say..' Im an uncle now..' Lian smile and say.. 'Congrats once again Kim.. We are so happy for you and Porsche..' Mr Korn pat Kim's shoulder and ask... 'What are their names son?' Kim then reply back.. 'Stefan and Stephanie Theerapanyakul..' Thankun hug Arm and kiss his cheek... 'Yi hug Kinn shoulder and smile at him... While Kuea and Khondiao hug each other.. Porsche open his eyes and look around... Kim then say..' Sweetheart..'
Everyone is looking at Porsche with a worry expression... Mr Korn then ask..' Son.. How are you feeling hmm?' Porsche then say... 'Im fine.. Pa....' The doctor then help Porsche to sit up properly.. Porsche smile as he see his babies that he has been carried for 9 months are finally in his arms... Kim kiss the baby and look Porsche.. Porsche then say.. 'Stephanie...' Kim then reply back.. 'And this is our little Stefan..' Everyone look at them with a smile... Thankhun then say.. I guess we should leave now... Porsche definitely need a proper rest..'The doctor then look at Thankhun and say...' Sir.. Please give me your phone.. I would like to take a picture.. 'Thankun smile and take out his phone and give it to the female doctor.. All of them walk towards Porsche and ready in the position.. The doctor then snap the picture twice and give the phone back to Thankhun... Arm hug Porsche's shoulder and say..' Im so happy for you Porsche... I hope you and Khun Kim along with the babies will feel happy..' Kim smile amd and reply back.. 'Thanks Arm.. That's very kind of you..' The doctor along with the nurse leave the ward to give them a privacy.. Mr Korn then say.. 'We should leave too... Come on everyone..' Porsche then say... 'Kim and I would like to say thank you for visiting... We truly appreciate it..' Lian smile and say.. 'Please take care of your self Porsche..' Porsche nod and smile.. The others then leave the ward as well.. Porsche then say... 'Thank you for being here with me sweetheart...' Kim kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Don't say that.. You are my wife and a mother to our kids... And.. Im your husband.. You really scared me to death back there...' Porsche then look at their babies and say... 'They inherit your look the most Daddy..' Kim smile and kiss Porsche's forehead gently and say.. 'I love you sweetheart... I love our babies too.. So much..' The doctor come back and say... 'Porsche.. Kim.. The babies need to drink a milk..' Porsche start to feel dizzy and hold his head... Kim then say.. 'Sweetheart..' The doctor then see the nurse come in and say.. 'I will help to feed the babies... As for Mr Porsche...You should have a lot of rest and don't move too much..' The doctor nod in agreement and say.. 'She is right Porsche.. You really need to rest.. Don't worry about the babies... We will help you both to look after them..' Kim and Porsche bow and say... 'Thank you so much doctor...' The doctor then say.. Ann.. My name is Ann..'Porsche smile and say..' Thank you so much Dr Ann.. 'Dr Ann then smile at Kim and Porsche then leave the ward... Kim then sit down and say..' You should sleep sweetheart... You must be very tired...'Porsche then say...' Please humming a song for me...'Porsche then pat the empty space beside him... Kim then lay down beside him and start to humming a song... Porsche then hug Kim and fall asleep..

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