Chapter 19

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In Porsche's ward..

Everyone are standing near Porsche's bed... Porchay stroke Porsche's head gently and kiss his forehead and say... 'Phi... I really missed your smile and laughter.. Please wake up na krub.... We are here with you...' Yi stroke Porchay's head as well and say... 'He must rest Chay...' Macau hold Porsche's hands and say.. 'Phi... I know my big brother is evil..I hope you will forgive him...' Lian then turn around and see something.. Lian touch his chest and speak in his heart.. 'Please don't let anything bad happen to Porsche...' Nampheung then say..'Let's Porsche resting na kha..' Lian then see the nurse approaching them and say.. 'Im truly sorry.. But... Mr Porsche need a rest now... You all can come back tomorrow.. Visiting hours is at 9 am until 12 pm..' Lian then take a piece of paper and pen then write something on it and give it to the nurse.. Lian then say.. 'If you need to inform about Kim or Porsche's condition.. Please contact my number.. Im always around..' The nurse nod in respond.. Everyone then leave the ward...

Meanwhile in Kim's ward...

In Kim's dream...

Kim pov..

Kim is sitting at the park while daydreaming... Kim' s mother approach her son and sit beside him and ask.. 'Kim.. What are you doing here hmm?' Kim look at his mom and say... 'I just want to stay here...' Kim's mother stroke Kim's head and say... 'You must stay strong.. You must keep holding on.. Someone who is really important to you.. need you right now.. And.. If you truly love that person.. You must fight Kim Kimhan.. Kim that I know is someone who doesn't know how to give up.. And.. Doesn't know how to stop.. 'Kim then ask..' But.. What about Vegas? Kim's mother then say.. 'You won't know if you are still here.. You must wake up.. For my son in law... You and Porsche deserve to be happy Kim.. Thankhun and Kinn still need you there... You aren't belong in this world Kim Kimhan... Go.. Please take care of your self.. Please take care of my son in law... You and Porsche have my blessings... Farewell and until we meet again my beloved son.. Always remember.. I love you very much..'Kim's mother starts to dissappear... Porsche suddenly appear as well and say...' Kim.. My love.. 'Kim turn around and run towards Porsche and give Porsche a tight hugs and say..' You are here... 'Porsche nod and say..' Yes.. For now... Later.. I need to leave...'Kim frown and ask...' Leave? Where? Please take me with you... I want to come! 'Porsche kiss Kim's lips softly and say...' Please take care of your self sweetheart... Farewell... 'Porsche then dissappear through the light as well...

Dreams end

Meanwhile at the car park..

Everyone is getting into their car... Suddenly.. Lian' s phone rings.. Lian frown and pick up the phone call and say... 'Hello?' The nurse then yell.. 'Mr Lian! Porsche is missing!' Lian drop his phone and say... 'P.. Porsche...' Porchay then shake Lian's body and ask.. 'What?! What happen now?!' Nampheung and everyone look at Lian.. Arm then starts to hack Vegas's position and say... 'Vegas is kidnapping Porsche..' Thankun then ask.. 'What?!' Yi shake his head and say... 'Vegas is already out of his mind! Where is he now Arm?!' Mr Korn then faint on the floor.. Kinn and Thankhun then yell in sync.. 'Pa!!' Kuea then say.. 'Me, Khondiao, Phi Kinn and phi Thankhun along with Mrs Nampheung will go back now.. Hia Lian, Hia Yi..Phi Arm and Porchay.. You guys should go.. Go and save phi Porsche..' Lian kiss Kuea's foreheads and say.. 'Drive carefully Kuea.. I will be back soon..' All of them then get into the car except for Lian, Yi, Arm and Porchay... As they leaving... Kim then walk slowly towards them.. Lian feel shock and ask.. 'Kim?! What are you doing here?!' Kim then say.. 'Porsche.. Porsche need me.. He.. He need us... We must save him... Lets go..' Arm and Yi look at Kim with a worry expression and say... 'You are ready to die Kim! You are crazy!' Kim then get into the car slowly and say... 'I won't let anything happen to my beloved.. Porsche..' Arm then say.. 'Vegas is taking Porsche to an old villa.. Lian then drive out from the car park..

Yi then ask..' How come Vegas can get to Rio? Is he crazy? 'Arm then say..' I secretly hacked Vegas's phone.. He has a friend who are working at the airport and ask his friend to check the flight tickets under Mr Kim and Porsche.. Then.. Mr Vegas asked his friend to keep 1 ticket for him.. Mr Vegas used that chance to went to Rio.. About how Mr Vegas can came here.. Is because.. He came back to Thailand using a personal plane.. Lian shake his head and say... 'Im so disappointed in Vegas.. I never thought that Vegas will turn out to be this cruel... He is no longer a human but an animal..I can't recognize Vegas anymore..' Kim pray in his heart and say.. 'Porsche.. Sweetheart.. Please wait for me.. I will come..' Lian continue to drives...

Meanwhile at the villa..

Vegas finally arrives and take Porsche out from the car and get into the house

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Vegas finally arrives and take Porsche out from the car and get into the house... Vegas drag Porsche towards the kitchen and tie Porsche's hands and legs... Vegas then ask with a mocking tone...' Where is your hero Porsche?' Porsche slowly open his eyes and see Vegas and yell.. 'Help! Please help me!!' Porsche trying to untie his hands and legs but fail... Vegas then laugh evilly and say.. 'I already lock this house Porsche... You and I will die together in this house tonight... Vegas then walk towards the stove and turn on the gas... Suddenly..' there's a voice coming from outside and yell.. 'Porsche! Open the door!' Porsche then say.. 'Mom?...' Vegas laugh evilly and see Nampheung is running towards Porsche.. Porsche then ask with a panic voice.. 'How.. How do you know I was here?' Vegas slap Nampheung's face and push her away... Porsche then yell.. 'Fuck off bastard! That's my mother!!' Vegas then laugh evilly and reply back.. 'Porsche.. Porsche.. You are so stupid... I really in love with you but you chose that Kim over me!!!' Porsche laugh as well and say... 'Its because Kim made me realize one thing Vegas... He is better.. No.. Kim is much better than you!! Let us go now bastard!!!' Vegas slap Porsche's face twice.. Nampheung cry and begging... 'Please! Let us go!!'

Vegas then hear an engine that come from outside... Vegas then say... 'Oh.. Your hero is here... Lets see if Kim Kimhan can come in here to save you..'Lian then yell..' Vegas! Don't be crazy! Open up this door or we will break it!! 'Yi also yell' Enough is enough Vegas!! 'Kim then yell..' Vegas!! Stay away from Porsche before I kill you! Don't think that I can't kill you!! Vegas!!! Porsche! Answer me sweetheart!! 'Nampheung then successfully untie Porsche... Vegas then laugh evilly and take out his lighter... Porsche then yell..' Kim!! Stay away from this house! 'Nampheung then try her best to protect Porsche and say..' Please! Please forgive us! 'Vegas then say...' I rather die with Porsche than I have to give him to Kim!! '

At the outside...

Kim then say..' Yi.. Lian! Please.. Just break the door! We must save Porsche!'Porchay then see the log wood and use his strength to push the door with the log wood... As the door is successfully open... The loud explosion come from the inside... Kim, Arm, Lian, Yi and Porchay got throw away... Lian feel shock and yell.. No!! Mrs Nampheung! Porsche!! 'Kim then yell..' Let me go!! I want to go inside! My Porsche is inside! 'Yi hold Kim tight and say..' Its dangerous! No! Kim! Don't! Porchay then yell.. 'Phi!! Mom!!' Suddenly.. A 2nd explosion coming again.. And... Porsche got throw out from the house... Kim feel even more shock... And.. So does Lian, Yi, Arm and Porchay... Porchay then run towards Porsche and quickly support Porsche's head and put onto his lap and shake Porsche's shoulder... Kim then see Porsche's face already covered up with a burn wounds.. Kim then say.. 'S.. your eyes.. Its me.. Kim...' Lian then say... 'Mrs Nampheung and Vegas....' Porchay then say... 'Phi! Phi Porsche! Please hold on! The doctor will be able to help you! Please hold on for me Phi....' Porsche then look at Kim and say... 'K.. Kim....' Porchay.... 'Kim then shake his head and say....'Porsche! Please! Stay with us! I need you! Porsche!....' Porsche then close his eyes.... Lian then say... 'We must take Porsche back to hospital! And as for you Kim... You must have a proper rest!' Arm then send a text message to Thankhun and say... 'We must take Porsche and Mr Kim back to hospital! I will drive!' All of them then get into the car.. Arm then starts to drive away from the villa and return to the hospital..

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