Chapter 6

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After 10 minutes later..

Porsche then come down and see a red car is stopping infront of the house... Porsche frown and see a man come out and ring the bell.. Porsche then come out and walk towards the gate and ask.. 'Yes.. Is there anything that I can help you?' Macau smile and say.. 'Sawadeekap phi... Im Macau Theerapanyakul.. Im.. Vegas's younger brother...Can I come in?' Porsche nod slowly and open the gate and allow Macau to come in... Macau then say.. 'Phi.. I already know what happened to you and your family.. Im truly sorry about what my brother have done..' Porsche then stroke Macau's head gently and say.. 'Its already my fate nong...' Macau shake his head slowly and say.. 'No.. You are need to listen to me... You should go upstairs and pack your stuff.. Don't pack too much.. Take what you need and wait into my car...hurry!' Porsche start to feel weird but still do as what he has been told.. Porchay then see Macau and ask..' You? 'Macau then say..' Don't worry Chay.. I will try my best to save your brother from my crazy big bro.. Go and help phi Porsche to pack his stuff..'Porchay is about to go in but stop as he see Porsche come back with the back pack.. Nampheung then approach them and see Type also come out... Type then ask..' What's going on? '

Kim then stop his car and say..' Porsche.. You come with me... Macau.. Go and send Porchay to school.. And as for Mrs Nampheung and Type... If Hia Lian and Hia Yi coming later.. Tell them that Kim already take Porsche and he will bring Porsche to see Vegas.. Do you understand?' Type and Nampheung nod and allow them to leave..' Type and Nampheung then go into their house..

Porsche then ask.. 'Why are you helping me? And.. Where are we going?' Kim then say.. 'We will go to Chiangrai..' Porsche then frown and ask again.. 'Chiangrai?' Kim hold Porsche's hands and say.. 'Trust me Porsche... This is the only way to save your life from Vegas..' Kim then noticed there's blue Porsche's car is following them from behind.. Kim then say.. 'Shit!! It's Vegas's car! Put on the seat belts! I will speed up!' Porsche is about to put on the seat belts but hit his head instead as Vegas's shoot Kim's car.. Vegas speed up his car and stop his car right in front of Kim's car...

Vegas walk out from his car angrily and open the door and punch Kim's twice and yell.. 'How dare you interfere Kim Kimhan?!!!You really wish to die huh?!!' Porsche then say.. 'Please! Please! Stop! Don't!' Vegas look at Porsche with anger and say.. 'Go into my car now! I will punish you later!!' Porsche start to cry in silent and open the door and see Hia Lian and Hia Yi.. Lian quickly take Porsche and ask.. Where should we take him Vegas? 'Vegas then say...' to my house..'Lian then say...' Come on Porsche...' Lian and Yi quickly take Porsche and escape from there... Vegas then punch Kim's face and say...' This is what you get if you dare to interfere your bastard!! You should feel grateful because I still spare your life!'Vegas then walk back towards his car and drive away... Kim starts to feel dizzy and faint...

On the other side..

Lian and Yi turn off their phone and look at Porsche... Porsche then ask..' When we are going to arrives Mr Lian.. Mr Yi? 'Yi then say..' We aren't going to Vegas's house... We will go to the airport.. Check your pockets Porsche..'
Porsche slide his hand into his pocket and feel something.. Porsche then take it out and see a flight ticket to New York.. Lian then reply back..' Macau booked that ticket for you Porsche.. He feels guilty... This is the only way to help you out...'Yi then reply back..' Don't worry.. We rather lost our lives than taking you to Vegas's house... He is such a crazy man... I can't trust him.. If you marry him... I don't know what will happen to you Porsche.. I already considered you and Porchay like a family...' Lian speed up his car and continue to drive...

Vegas pov..

Vegas then call Lian and Yi and yell in anger... Arghh!!! Where the hell is Porsche Kittisawat?!!! Why I can't call Lian and Yi?!!Those 2 really want to be kill!!!' Vegas then call his bodyguard and say..' Nop!Is Lian and Yi already arrives at my house yet?! 'Nop then reply back..' They aren't here yet Mr Vegas... I guess... They already planned to take Mr Porsche away... 'Vegas feel furious and speed up his car.. Vegas then say..' Porsche Kittisawat... You are mine... Don't dream Porsche... I won't let you to escape from me... Never and ever! '

Lian and Yi finally arrives at the airport.. Lian and Yi come out from the car... Porsche gasp as he see Vegas's car... Lian and Yi feel shock and look at each other... Vegas then come out from his car and walk towards Porsche and say...My patient already out of limits Porsche... Go into the car now... 'Porsche then drag Vegas with him and say...' Im begging you! Please! Don't!'
Vegas push Porsche into his car and drive back to his house...' Lian then say.. 'We already fail Yi...' Yi sigh heavily and say...'Don't worry... Vegas is like that because he is mad... He will be fine soon...We should go back to Theerapanyakul mansion...' Lian and Yi then get into the car.. Yi take turn and drive away to Theerapanyakul mansion..

After 15 minutes later...

Vegas and Porsche arrives at Vegas's house... Porsche feel amaze and speak in his heart..' Mr Vegas indeed came from a rich family.. 'Vegas pull Porsche into the house and look at him with a serious expression and say...' Don't you dare to escape again Porsche Kittisawat... This house have a maid.. I asked her to leave before you come... Follow me... 'Porsche then follow up from behind without saying anything.. As they reach on the 2nd floor... Vegas open the door and look at Porsche..

Porsche then look around the room and say...' Its beautiful Mr Vegas....'Vegas cross his hands in front of his chest and ask..' Do you like it or not? 'Porsche nod slowly...Vegas then say.. Sit on the bed now..' Porsche then look at Vegas... Vegas then ask... 'Should I drag you again?' Porsche quickly shake his head and walk towards the bed and put his bag pack on the floor... Porsche then sit on the bed.. Vegas walk towards the door and lock it... Porsche then see Vegas suddenly pull off the curtains and sit in front of Porsche... Vegas gently stroke Porsche's lips and ask.. 'Now.. Do you like it or not?' Porsche then stare at Vegas's beautiful face... Vegas then ask again with a little loud voice.. 'You like it or not?' Porsche flinch and nod slowly.. 'Vegas then kiss Porsche's ear lobes and ask...' And about that?'Porsche nod slowly again... Porsche slowly trace his fingers around Vegas's face and ask...' Do you like it Mr Vegas?... 'Vegas kiss Porsche's fingers and make Porsche's heart beat quit faster.. Vegas then ask..' What if I say I want more Porsche? Will you surrender yourself to me? 'Porsche then stroke Vegas's cheek gently and say..' You aren't a bad man... 'Vegas smirk and ask...' Should I show it to you? 'Vegas slowly push Porsche on the bed and touch their foreheads together and say...' I won't get mad if you stay quiet Porsche... Im a person who easily lost a temper... Don't resist me.. 'Porsche then ask... What about the contract marriage?...' Vegas shake his head and say.. 'There is no contact marriage Porsche Kittisawat... I really need someone who can take a good care of me...' Porsche then play with Vegas's face gently and ask... 'And... Why me Mr Vegas?...' Vegas shake his head again and kiss Porsche's lips softly and say... 'Don't ask too much Porsche... I really hate a question... Once you stay here with me... Once we are doing this... You and I will become one... And you are going to be mine Porsche... Mine to have.. Mine to hold.. Mine forever until death part us away.. Im sorry about what I've done to you just now... 'Porsche nod slowly and look at Vegas.. Vegas then take out an oil and vibrator... Porsche then feel a bit shock as he see those vibrator... Vegas then say...' Don't be afraid Porsche... Its me.. Not someone else...'Vegas then take off his neck tie and put it away... Porsche continue to look at Vegas.. Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead gently and kiss his cheek too.. Porsche close his eyes and touch Vegas's neck slowly... Vegas then whisper...' Let's undress each other... Without rushing...' Porsche nod slowly and start to take off Vegas's clothes and Vegas start to take off Porsche's clothes until the boxer is left..

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