Chapter 4

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At the football field..


Porsche and Type decide to take a rest for a while.. Type then ask..'How do you feel hmm?' Porsche smile and reply back.. 'Im fine Type.. Thanks to you..' Type then give a water bottle to Porsche.. Porsche smile and drink it a bit and say.. 'We should go home Type.. Its almost dark now..' Type nod and get up.. Porsche phone suddenly ringing.. Porsche then see Nampheung's name on the screen and say.. 'Hello mom..' Nampheung then say.. 'Son... Please come home quickly... There's a strangers in our house... Im scared na kha...' Porsche then say.. 'Don't worry mom.. I will come home now.. Wait for me..' Porsche hung up the phone and say.. 'Im sorry Type.. I can't go home with you! I need to go now! Bye!' Porsche then run away leaving Type all alone.. Type then shout.. 'Porsche! Porsche! Wait!' Type start to have a bad feelings about Porsche and quickly get onto his bike and ride back to his house..

As soon as Porsche arrives...Porsche then see a 3 luxurious car that parked in front of his house

Porsche then see a 3 luxurious car that parked in front of his house

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Porsche then ask..' What's going on here? Whose car is this?' Type then arrives as well and quickly get down from his bike and ask.. 'What's happening Porsche?' Suddenly.. 2 man with a black suit come towards Porsche and drag him to go into the house and throw him on the floor... Lian and Yi look at Porsche and his family with a sad expression.. Porsche then see his father got beaten up and ask..' What happened to him?!' Porchay then say... 'Dad is already gone phi....' Nampheung cry in silence while hugging Porchay... Porsche then ask...'W..what...?' Vegas smirk and reply back... 'I asked the bodyguards to teach your father a lesson but I didn't expect them to beat him up to death..' Vegas cross his legs while looking at Porsche.. Porsche then start to yell like a crazy man and start to fight Vegas but got stop by the bodyguards... Porchay then yell..' Phi Porsche! Let him go! 'Type suddenly burst into the Porsche's house and fight the bodyguards as well... Type easily avoid the bodyguards and kick them until they fall on the floor... Vegas then take out his gun and pull the trigger and shoot the floor.. Lian then yell..' Vegas!' Yi is about to snatch the gun from Vegas's hands but fail as Lian is stopping him... Yi then yell.. 'Don't be crazy Vegas!' Vegas laugh evilly and blow his gun and sit back on the sofa with a calm expression and ask... 'What's your name?' Porsche then look at Vegas with disgust and anger.. Porsche then yell.. 'Kill me! Take my life! Leave my family alone bastard!!'

Vegas roll his eyes and pointing his gun towards Porsche's head and reply back with a serious voice... 'Answer me or I will kill you..' Type then protect Nampheung and Porchay by sitting in front of them.. Porsche then say.. 'Porsche Kittisawat..' Vegas then say.. 'I didn't want to waste my time so listen here... Your father, Mr Pat Kittisawat already invested a lot of money in my club.. In the other words.. He likes to gamble... But in each gambling.. He lost and now he didn't have any money to pay... So.. Before he died... He asked one of you to pay for his debt...Do you have any money Porsche Kittisawat?'
Porsche then take out his wallet and see the money that Type gave to him this morning... Vegas snatch the money from Porsche's hands and count it... Yi and Lian take out the money from their wallet and give it to Vegas.. Lian then say..' Enough Vegas! Take our money and leave them alone! They are innocent!' Vegas then take out his lighter and burn the money and say.. 'It seems you didn't have enough money with you Porsche Kittisawat..' Vegas slowly lean in and stroke Porsche's face with his fingers and whisper... 'What should I do with you eh???'..Porsche tremble even more until his hands are wet..

Suddenly.. Kim, Thankhun and Kinn approach them and feel shock.. Lian and Yi breath out of relief as they see those 3..Kinn then see Porchay is getting even more scared and say..' Vegas.. Let's go home.. Please leave them alone... What kind of game are you playing right now huh?' Vegas stand up and say.. 'Stop acting like a hero Kinn.. This matter has nothing to do with you.. Its between me and Porsche.. Got it?' Kim then say.. 'Leave before I shoot you Vegas.. Don't test my  patient' Vegas smirk and say... 'I also would like to say a same thing Kim Kimhan.. Stay out of this matter if you didn't want to die tonight..' Porsche finally surrender and ask... 'What do you want from me Mr Vegas? If you want me to pay... Please give me a time... I will work hard to gather some money.. And I promise.. I promise I will pay it to you.. Please give me a time and please don't involve my family in this matter.... Please have a pity on them Mr Vegas..'Vegas smirk and reply back..' Don't worry.. I won't touch Porchay because I already got a friendly warning from Macau... Same thing goes for your mother.. Unfortunately for you Mr Porsche... I only have 1 solution for you.. 'Porsche then stand up and walk towards Vegas and shake Vegas's hand and ask desperately..' What? What is it? Tell me and I will do it..'Vegas smirk evilly and reply back...' You must marry to me Porsche... With this.. I will consider that all your father debt is clear...'Porsche then feel his knees trembling and kneel down on the floor.. Vegas then say...' Marry me or say goodbye to your family and neighbours... You only have a time until tomorrow.. And by tomorrow morning.. Lian and Yi will come here to pick you up.. They will bring you to my house... The rest of you... Stay out of this matter..' Think about it Porsche..'Porsche then say..' Do you have any other options Mr Vegas? Maybe I can work with you...'Vegas look at Porsche with a serious expression and ask..' Should I kill them all to make you listen Porsche Kittisawat?!! 'Everyone flinch as Vegas yell at Porsche.. Vegas then say..' Don't you dare to disobey me or.. You will see how cruel I can be.. Lian... Yi.. Let's go.. To the bodyguards.. Please do something with that corpse! 'Vegas then leave Porsche's house along with Lian and Yi.. Nampheung cry and hug Porsche..Type hold his stomach and say..' Aunty.. I will help you with Mr Pat... The rest of you.. Please help me.. The others nod and agree to help Type..

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