Chapter 24

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Kim pov..

Kim take a deep breath and slowly open the door.. As Kim open the door.. Porsche quickly give Kim a warm tight hugs and say... 'Kim...' Kim rub Porsche's back body gently and ask.. 'Porsche.. Sweetheart.. Are you alright?' Porsche let go of Kim and kiss his lips softly.. Kim let go of Porsche and say... 'Porsche...' Porsche nod and say.. 'Yes.. Its me.. Porsche.. Im your Porsche...' Kim touch Porsche's cheeks and kiss Porsche's lips in return.. Porsche then hold Kim's hands and say.. 'I already got my memories back... I know it's hard to believe but.. A miracle happened..' Kim then ask.. 'How sweetheart? How do you get your memories back?' Porsche then say.. 'I have a bad dreams just now.. About what happened to me 5 years ago... I saw my mother.. I saw Vegas.. That bastard... And.. I saw you.. You even got killed... Im afraid Kim.. Im afraid I might not see you again..' Porsche touch Kim's cheek and tears start to come out from his eyes.. Kim kiss Porsche's forehead gently and say...' Im right here sweetheart.. 'Porsche then say..' You must promise me.. You will never ever leave me... 'Kim then say...' I love you more than you could ever imagine sweetheart.. 'Porsche suddenly remember... (I love you more than you could ever imagine).. Kim smile and ask..' Do you remember me now hmm? Im the one who you saw in your dreams when you were in coma.. I was sitting at the gazebo while playing with a piano... 'Porsche close his eyes and try to remember it... Porsche open his eyes and say...' Its you! Its really you Kim Kimhan! My Kim Kimhan! 'Porsche hug Kim again and cry in his embrace.. Kim rub Porsche's body gently and say..' Now you remember me... Im glad.. 'Porsche then look at Kim with a guilty expression and say...' Im.. Im truly sorry because I yelled at you earlier... I didn't mean to... Please forgive me.. 'Kim stroke Porsche's head and say...' Its alright sweetheart.. Its alright.. 'The doctor come towards them and say...' Congratulations to you Porsche.. What a miracle... Im glad because you already have your memories back..'Porsche smile and bow.. Kim then ask..' Doctor.. Is it ok if I want to take Porsche with me?Or..he still need to stay here until tomorrow?'

The doctor smile and reply back..' Since Porsche show a good response.. He will be discharge from the hospital by today.. And as for you Porsche.. If you feel a sudden pain.. Please come to the hospital immediately..'Porsche then ask..' Doctor.. Could you please give me a time? I need to gather a money to pay for a hospital bill... 'Kim then reply back..' My Pa already paid it...'Porsche feel shock and ask...' W.. What?.. Is it true doctor? 'The doctor nod slowly and say..' Don't forget to say thank you to Mr Korn if you meet him later..'The doctor smile and leave the ward... Kim then say..' Porsche.. You should go and clean your self a bit.. We will go to Theerapanyakul mansion.. Let's meet everyone.. 'Porsche nod and say..' Wait for me.. 'Kim stroke Porsche's head and wait for him...

After 10 minutes later..

Porsche come out and see Kim is still waiting for him.. Kim then ask..' Are you done sweetheart? 'Porsche nod slowly and hold Kim's hand and say..' We should go now.. 'Kim and Porsche then leave the hospital.. As they get into the car.. Kim then give his phone to Porsche and say..' You should call Macau or Porchay.. Please tell them that we are going back to Theerapanyakul mansion..'Porsche nod and call Macau and say..' Hello.. Macau? 'Macau then say..' Oh.. Phi Porsche? What's the matter? 'Porsche smile and say..' The doctor allows me to go home today.. Are you and Chay at Theerapanyakul mansion? 'Macau then reply back..' Yes.. Both of us are here phi.. Hia Yi, Hia Lian, Khondiao, Kuea, Phi Kinn, Phi Arm, Phi Thankhun and Mr Korn also here.. 'Porsche nod and say..' Kim and I will go there now.. 'Macau then reply back..' Alright phi.. See you later.. Bye'.. Porsche then hang up the phone and give the phone back to Kim.. Kim take it and keep it inside of his pocket.. Kim hold Porsche's hand and say.. 'Let's go sweetheart..' Porsche nod and put on a seatbelt.. Kim then start to drives away...

After 15 minutes later...

Kim and Porsche finally arrives at Theerapanyakul mansion... Kim then take off his seat belt and notice Porsche is day dreaming.. Kim stroke Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'I know sweetheart.. I know you are nervous.. Don't worry.. Im right here.. I won't let anyone hurt you..' Porsche then say.. 'It's not about that sweetheart.. It's just.. Im afraid they might hate me...You suffer because of me sweetheart.. That's not something that I can accept it..' Kim kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Im here sweetheart.. There's nothing to be afraid of.. If you didn't know how to answer.. I will ask you to stand behind me and keep quiet...' Porsche then say.. 'Please hug me sweetheart.. Maybe I will feel better..' Kim nod and smile softly.. Kim pull Porsche towards him and give Porsche a warm hug.. Kim kiss Porsche's forehead gently and look at him... Kim then trace Porsche's face and say... 'Let's go Porsche..' Porsche nod and get out from the car with Kim.. Both of them then look at each other.. The gate suddenly open... Kim hold Porsche's and walk towards the house... Thankhun then ask.. 'Porsche? Why Porsche is here? He is still need to rest '... Arm then ask.. 'Mr Kim? Porsche? What are you both doing here?' Kim smile and reply back.. 'Porsche have something to say...'

Marry To A Mafia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora