CHAPTER 14 : To Burn Brightly for Your Safety

Start from the beginning

Despite the impact, Tin nonchalantly rose to his feet, displaying unwavering resolve. Exiting the building, a fellow team member noticed blood dripping from Tin's hand, revealing an injury. Tin's demeanor remained unchanged, smiling faintly at his team. Unbeknownst to him, his body had become desensitized due to the medications he took post-Dongo incident, which helped him endure injuries without feeling much pain.

At the hospital, Tin received five stitches for the wound and underwent a thorough examination. He learned that his recovery was progressing well, reinforcing his determination to return to peak condition. Tin's motivation stemmed from his desire to become a peacemaker and seek closure regarding Benjamin's disappearance. Despite the war supposedly ending per news reports, Tin harbored doubts, especially since Benjamin's body remained missing despite his relentless efforts to ensure its return.

Throughout the ordeal, Tin exuded a sense of coolness and resilience, masking any physical discomfort with steely determination. His relentless pursuit of answers and his unwavering commitment to his goals underscored his uncompromising resolve and unwavering resolve.

As Tin contemplated his next move, he understood the grave consequences of returning to Dongo as a peacemaker without official approval. It would mark him as a traitor to his country, forsaking his identity as a soldier under their banner. The role of a peacemaker came with two distinct paths—one leading to betrayal in the eyes of his nation, aligning with the military war faction, and the other as a sanctioned agent working under official directives.

Tin weighed the risks carefully, knowing that if he pursued this path and met his demise, he wouldn't receive the honor of a flag-draped coffin. Despite the odds stacked against him, Tin made a resolute decision to forsake everything to seek answers and closure.

As he prepared for this unconventional journey, Tin's resolve only hardened. He knew he was entering uncharted territory, navigating a dangerous landscape where the lines between right and wrong blurred. His singular focus on uncovering the truth propelled him forward, regardless of the sacrifices he'd have to make along the way.

With a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Tin set forth on his quest, ready to face the consequences of his choices, even if it meant straying from the path of traditional loyalty to his country. His mission was now personal, driven by an unyielding desire for justice and resolution.

As Tin stepped out of the station, Naret's call alerted him to his presence. Concern etched on Naret's face as he saw the bandage wrapped around Tin's hand, prompting him to inquire about the injury.

Naret: "How many stitches did they put in?"

Tin: "Just five. It's okay, not too painful."

Tin initially tried to conceal his hand from Naret's view, but Naret's persistent nature led him to grab Tin's hand, causing Tin to wince in pain. Tin knew Naret was worried about his line of work, always fraught with danger. Despite Tin's extensive experience in such situations, he was always the one making the decisions and bearing the weight of responsibility. The chief recognized Tin's expertise and diverse skill set before recruiting him, seeking his advice on numerous occasions. Despite his restlessness, Tin remained committed to his job, willing to lend a hand no matter what.

Inside the car, Tin sensed Naret's somber mood. While still in the parking lot, Tin embraced Naret, resting his head on Naret's shoulder, speaking softly.

Tin: "I'm okay, really. Look at me, I'm fine."

Naret: "I told you to be careful. You're not invincible, you know."

Tin: "I just stumbled because the door swung open, that's all. My hand got scratched, but it's nothing."

Naret looked at Tin, but Tin could tell Naret was still not reassured. Shortly after, Tin gently held Naret's face, turning it towards him, and kissed Naret. At first, Naret hesitated to respond, causing Tin to stop and gaze at him.

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