CHAPTER 14 : To Burn Brightly for Your Safety

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When Naret heard the story, he couldn't understand why Tin had been in such danger multiple times just to do his job. He immediately leaned in towards Tin, offering a smile despite the weight of the situation. Naret then bowed his head and kissed the scar on Tin's chest, looking up at him and embracing him tightly.

"Naret: I won't stop you from your work or any decisions you make, no matter how dangerous. But I have one request—come back to me safe. I don't care about anything else as long as you're by my side."

Tin smiled upon hearing Naret's words and gently lifted Naret's chin to give him a soft kiss.

"Tin: I promise."

Tin then kissed Naret's forehead before they both stood up. Tin still had work, and Naret had arranged for everyone else at home to have the day off. It was just Naret, Bella, and Tin at home. While Naret tended to Bella, getting her ready for the day, Tin took charge of preparing breakfast for them all.

As Naret finished up, he approached Tin and kissed him on the cheek, whispering softly,

"Naret: Take care and don't be late. I'll handle things here."

Tin glanced at the clock, confirming it was indeed getting late. He quickly kissed Naret before dashing off to take a shower, leaving Naret to finish up cooking. Bella was already seated and eating by the time Tin returned, dressed in his police uniform, albeit a bit rushed and not perfectly neat. Naret assisted him, knowing the meal was ready.

As they ate together, Naret gathered Tin's medication and hearing aid, having asked about them earlier. They enjoyed their meal, with Naret planning to drop Bella off due to Tin's lateness. Tin prepared himself quickly, and Naret got ready, with Bella waiting in the car.

Before leaving, Tin stopped and approached Naret's car. He knocked on the window, and Naret rolled it down. Tin leaned in and whispered to Naret,

"Tin: Stay away from trouble with other guys. Keep clear of any fights, and if anything happens, call me."

Naret replied, raising an eyebrow,

"Naret: I'm not a kid anymore, and I think you don't know me well enough."

Tin smiled, kissed Naret's forehead, and Bella's, then left.

Upon arriving at the station, Tin witnessed chaos ensuing due to a hostage situation. Immediately briefed on the details, Tin learned that a married couple was trapped inside a condo where the husband had released gas, allegedly due to his wife's infidelity. Tin grabbed his microscope and examined the scene, noticing the wife restrained while the husband roamed around.

Activating his hearing aid, Tin tuned into the conversation among the officers stationed nearby, who were instructed not to fire any shots to avoid triggering an explosion. They evacuated all residents, allowing Tin to change into a disguise and pose as a security guard.

Knowing the importance of the hostage-taker's car, owned by Krit, Tin devised a plan to use it for their escape. Knocking on the room door, initially met with resistance, Tin managed to lower the criminal's guard, allowing the rest of the team to enter through the window. Despite the tense situation, Tin calmly addressed the target,

Tin: "We need to resolve this peacefully. Let's find a way out without anyone getting hurt."

Tin swiftly assumed the role of a security guard, fabricating a story to approach the hostage-taker's car. As the team breached the window, chaos ensued, and the victim was swiftly freed amidst the commotion. The tense moment reached its peak when the target attempted to ignite the gas tank with a lighter. Without hesitation, Tin sprang into action, racing to intercept the lighter before it could trigger an explosion. He deftly grabbed and closed the lighter, but the force sent him crashing into a glass-covered wall.

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