|𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏| 𝑻𝒐𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑨𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒉𝒐𝒍

642 18 2

December 16th.

"Ela, seriously? Partying again?" I grumble, my tone a mix of annoyance and concern, as she pulls me into my room and begins rummaging through my closet. "Go shower, I'll pick your outfit," she commands with brisk authority. I huff and grab my towel, heading into the bathroom. Stripping out of my clothes, I inspect myself in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes have worsened, a reminder of the restless nights spent pondering over Natalie.

Will she ever give me a chance? Or will I end this year still yearning for her?

I sigh, the weight of uncertainty settling heavily on my shoulders. Reaching for my body wash, I discover it's empty. Spotting my mom's lavender-scented body wash on the shelf, I reluctantly grab it, the floral fragrance filling the air as I lather up. After washing away the grime of the day, I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. When I step back into my room, Ela is gone, but the clothes she's chosen for me are neatly laid out on the bed. I hesitate at the sight of the short dress, its hemline much higher than I like, but ultimately decide to wear it. It hugs my curves in all the right places. Slipping into the matching ruby red heels she's provided, I marvel at how they perfectly complement the dress's vibrant hue.

Just as I'm about to finish getting dressed, Ela bursts into the room with a sandwich in hand, her infectious energy filling the space. "I hope you like it. Now sit down, let's do your makeup," she says between bites, her words punctuated by a mischievous grin. I comply, sinking into the chair as she pulls out a bag filled with an array of makeup products. With practiced precision, she begins to work her magic on my face. The process feels interminable, but when she finally allows me to see the finished result, I can't help but smile at the transformation before me.

"You look so pretty!" Ela exclaims, her eyes alight with excitement. I playfully joke, "Maybe I'll get a girlfriend now," eliciting a chuckle from her before she shoves me out of my room to shower.

Downstairs, I while away the time by scrolling through my phone.


It's time to head to the club. Once inside, I lose myself in the pulsating rhythm of the music, drowning my worries in alcohol until a girl named Anna joins me at the bar. We hit it off almost instantly, bonding over our shared experience of using fake IDs to gain entry. As the night wears on and the alcohol begins to take its toll, I find myself leaning more heavily on Anna for support.

Ela approaches us with a mysterious bag in hand, whispering something in my ear before disappearing into the crowd. As I reach for the bag, the lights around me seem to blur and swirl, colors dancing before my eyes in a mesmerizing display. Despite Anna's growing concern, I continue to indulge in the potent concoction of alcohol coursing through my veins, heedless of the consequences.

Eventually, the room begins to spin, and I stumble towards the bathroom in a daze, my steps unsteady and my vision blurred. Collapsing into a stall, the nausea hits me like a train, and I double over, retching violently into the porcelain bowl. After what feels like an eternity, the waves of sickness finally subside, leaving me exhausted on the cold tile floor.

With trembling hands, I fumble for my phone, my vision swimming as I desperately search for a lifeline. Finally locating the familiar shape of my phone, I clutch it tightly to my chest, my heart pounding in my ears as I press the call button.

Please, answer.

Icy Cold Teacher x Student GXGDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora