|𝑻𝒆𝒏|𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔

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November 11

Ella: We should party or something.

Briii: Why are you texting me this out of nowhere?

Ella: Because I miss my partner in crime. ☹️ Have you replaced me with some other random?

Briii: You know I could never do that, Ella. I love you too much.

Ella hearted a message.

Ella: But at 7:15, wanna go out? I'll come pick you up!! We can go to that club we went to last year!!!!

Briii: The one that we almost got kicked out of because you stupidly decided to go tell people we weren't legally allowed to drink?

Ella: Yup!!! exact one 🥰

Briii: Sure, I need some fun in my life.

Ella: I'll be there at 7:15. Remember to wear something nice; we might see your future wife there.

I chuckled at the text. My future wife, huh? I already know who I want that to be.

Feeling my cheeks flush, I sighed and got up from bed. I stripped off my clothes, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around my body as I walked to the bathroom.


I picked out ripped jeans and a random T-shirt.

After fixing my hair, I grabbed my wallet, making sure I had my fake ID. It was 7:10. I slipped on my shoes, sprayed on some cologne, put my phone in my pocket, and rushed downstairs and out the door.

Soon, Ella's car appeared.

She rolled down the window and yelled, "Hey, my baby, get in!" I smiled at her excitement and opened the yellow car door. It was tiny, and she had to sit like she was in one of those kid-play cars.

I put on my seatbelt, and Ella immediately started driving.

"You're still adding weird anime stickers?" I asked, looking at the ceiling of the car, noticing her sticker obsession had spread everywhere.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up," she said, and I smiled. It was dark outside, but the downtown lights brightened the area. People were walking by, some in the park and others just doing their own thing. When we reached the club, cars lined the street.

"It's so packed," I said, watching the women and men getting out of their cars. One caught my eye, but Ella kept driving. "Wait!" She looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" she asked. I sighed, shaking my head. "I thought I saw somebody." She nodded as she parked. We got out, showed our IDs, and started walking down the road.

"There's a fine-ass woman here," Ella said, eyeing a redhead. She was pretty, but not my type, so I chuckled. "What? You could find somebody who'd want you," she said, nudging me. I shrugged. I only wanted one person, and she had left without a word yesterday.

We got in line. The bouncer, a muscular man with a scar on his cheek and tattoos on his hands and neck, asked for our IDs. I felt nervous as he scrutinized them, but after a few moments, he handed them back and opened the gate. Ella grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. The lights flashed purple, green, and other vibrant colors. We had to squeeze through the crowd to reach the bar. The bartender, a woman around 30, quickly approached us. "What can I get you two ladies?" she asked.

"Two big glasses of beer, please!" Ella yelled over the loud music.

The bartender nodded and went to make them. "After I get my beer, I'm going to find that fine-ass redhead," she said with a smirk. "What about you?" Ella asked. I shrugged. "Probably just drink. I'm not sure," I said. She frowned. "Have fun! Meet new people, babes. Stop being so sad; I hate seeing you unhappy." She wrapped an arm around my waist, almost causing me to fall off my chair. "Ella, I'm going to fall. Let go," I said, holding onto the counter. She laughed and let go.

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