-Chapter 16-

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I can love you if you want me to...goblin said.

I don't wan....win couldn't finish what he was gonna say.

I love you....

Will you be my bride...

The way goblin just easily said, with his deep note, just made win to realize that goblin didn't actually mean it. He stared for a second or two at goblins eyes but couldnt do any longer, so he just ignored them and looked sideways. Win saw it was pouring outside, he noticed the small rain droplets turning into large shower. he knew the rain was due to the person who was right in front of win.

are you so worried to accept me as your bride mister....win asked this time directing his eye at goblin. win was feeling guilt,anyhow Goblin didn't even care an ounce of that question but just glared back at win.

Hurry up and pack ur bags...goblin directed in straight voice.

Win sighed as goblin's change in mood was nothing new to him.

Give me five...win said and went inside to pack his bags.


It was a short drive, but took few more minutes to end the journey due to the large pour at the road.

For the whole time, both of the characters didn't talk nor mentioned nothing. Goblin just drove with a straight face, and win just glanced outside from the glass.

It was the grim reaper who was outside wearing a black jersey and doing nothing but feeling the night rains. He knew it was goblins art of work, the rain.

What happened for you to give out such a hassle for people at this time...it was reaper, refering to the rain, asked once goblin hopped out from the SUV.

But goblin gave no explanation for his line for work and just took out Win's bag out from the trunk. Reaper noticed a guest hopping out of front, and he recognized the person at a glance.

You....what you doing in here...it was grim reaper while directing his pointed hand at win.

Mister invited me....it was win who said in little confidence, while eye pointing at goblin.

And he didn't cared to tell me anything about your arrival....it was reaper who said to win while giving an annoyed side eye at goblin.

Let's go...it was goblin who took wins luggage where win took his backpack while reaper waited for one or two second outside, thinking what is going on goblins head right now. And then he came inside too.

Win once came inside, was left out with no words. He never ever came to a house with such luxurious interior. He was so amazed with the polished walls, designer carpets, walls and even with the colorful glass windows. He was just wondering like a kid with an excited and surprised face, where goblin asked him to come up.

Hey kid...come up....it was goblin who teleported into the room before, while win was sightseeing the mansion. It was a shut room for years. And cleaning and tidying it up now would be a hassle, goblin thought.

You are planning to give the kid this room....it was reaper who came with win, actually win followed the reaper.

Win saw the situation of the room. There was nothing in there expect the spiders and probably some mice here and there. And he had no plans to interrupt on their habitats.

Its okay...I will stay here...win anyhow agreed cause he cant be unbiased at this time, as giving him a place to be, a roof over the top of his head, was far more than enough for win.

you can sleep at my room....
It was goblin. And both reaper and win looked each other's faces with a glance of surprise effect.

WHAT.....no no no no...no ways mister...even I am your bride...we can't sleep in one bed...like I told you I am still a high school kid...win was blabbering non stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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