-Chapter 2-

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hey there....its the chapter 2...and there might be many typos....i will amend it later...enjoy and keep loving brightwin....

Year 2013, Thailand

Everyone knows a goblin, that is what being said in fairy tales, but no one knew that so called goblin, known by everyone, unseen by everyone, was just resting at his bed, doing nothing, living the life at his own mansion, made up with the centuries of luxury he thus earned. He originally own wide number of hotels, business companies, factories and what not, namely, in Canada, Paris, London, Seoul and majority of Bangkok too. 

Goblin who took a book beside the bed, opened the last page he visited in thought of reading the new page, but his plans were disrupted by someone who was at his front door, entering the password of the house door, he actually heard the sound of the password click! and he went outside from his room into the living room, wearing his own relaxed slippers, with a loosely wore silk night gown, waiting to see who it was. 

Good morning my lord...it was an old, aged person, who was at his 60 or 70's, bowing in front of goblin with a pleasant smile. he had his hair parted in between, with a tie and some professional luxury wear, with polished shoes. and along with him, was a little boy who was wearing a school uniform and was a first sight to goblin. 

Good day...you had a good sleep...? goblin asked with a pleasant smile, and the old person bowed again with a smile. 

Yes...my lord...thanks to you i am living and sleeping well.... the old, aged person replied. and then he dragged the young boy who was there beside him, slowly in spite of introducing him to goblin. but the young boy wanted to know the person who was infront, right away!

who is he grandpa...the young boy asked with a tone of 'i dont care'. and the grandpa gave an annoyed look at the boy, as if he was signaling not to talk when elders were talking. 

i am sorry my lord....he is playful for his age.... this is your nephew...i wrote about him to you when you were in canada...the old, aged person said and introduced the boy to the goblin, and goblin knelt in front of him and made eye contact with him. 

greet your uncle....the old person forced the young boy and he unwillingly bowed to goblin. goblin found it cute and soft, how the boy was unwilling in front of him. 

good day to you uncle...he said with a forced smile and looked at his grandpa, as like he was asking whether the greeting was okay. he was cute!

you are mix...right...goblin asked and stood up with grace, wearing a decent smile. 

yes...but uncle...who are you...and why are you talking casually to my grandpa...hah? the boy asked unknowing the fact that he was the supreme owner of his whole past generation. 

shush....mind your tone...infront of the lord...grandpa showed a fierce mood to the young boy and young boy shushed himself. goblin however liked him. 

I'll be your uncle...brother...son and grandson...said goblin and he slowly went an ruffled young boy's sosft hair. 

nice to meet you...the goblin continued with a smile. 

what a weirdo! the boy said while crossing his arms in a gangster style as if he was confused and dont care. 

shush...grandpa again raised his voice and the young boy obeyed his grandpa's orders. 

goblin just smiled, he knew and liked the young boy's playfulness. 

my lord...you must be tired after your long vacation at canada...i hope you will stay with us for a while now...will you my lord...the old person asked, he was pleased to spend time with the goblin, his lord. 

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