-chapter 12-

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They now walked through a park, not crowded, but few kids playing, screaming and some with their doggies. They did walk, just to burn the calories they had hours ago, then to reach win's part time.

Before the park, they went to a convenience store just because win wanted to eat some chocolates.  goblin is still in confusion, thinking how much a normal person could eat and how this weird, annoying, cute, higher schooler, bunny like kid could eat. It was still ongoing research for goblin.

with seconds passing away, win was silent, and goblin wondered why. 

"you hungry again...?" goblin asked just to make it clear.

"Nope..." win said with a pout.

"Then tired...?" goblin again directed.

Win shook his head a 'no'.

And suddenly win stopped. And goblin stopped too. He was confused.

"When are you leaving tomorrow...?" win suddenly asked.

"Why so sudden...?" Goblin asked and slid his hands on palms on his jacket.

"Don't know...depends on packing..." goblin continued without any further due. 

"Hmm..." win nodded and continued in his steps. Goblin caught up with win eventually.  

"If i really see what mister wants me to see...will you stay...?" win asked and goblin stopped. and win stopped, few inches front of goblin. 

if you did see it... you would have told me already that you see it...but you didnt...so it simply means you dont see anything on me...you might not admit this...but i know you just wanted to spend this day with me...before i leave... goblin said. 

win remained silent. he didnt want to argue on anything. it was true, that he wanted this, he wanted to spend time with goblin, because he knew eventually no matter what happens, goblin will never accept him as his bride. and also, for the fact that he will never be able to see him again, probably, after goblin fly aboard. 

i guess this is it for us then...win said after few minutes gap. 

goblin remained silent. 

my mom always advised me to choose peace over anything...you get me? win asked and goblin slowly nodded a 'no'. 

it means i am leaving you right here...the more i stay with you mister...more it will feel lonelier when you leave...bye...have a nice life mister...and safe journeys...win said without even waiting for goblin's reply. 

win felt as any heavy weight was on his chest. his thoughts were on battle, but he wanted to look at goblin for once, again, and that's why he stopped and looked at his back.  and there he was, goblin, with his most handsome yet dull face and eyes of millions of emotions, standing still, in his elegant posture, with his palms still on his jacket, looking at win. and win back at goblin. 


it was night and mix just left goblin's mansion, just because grandpa asked him to come home for some business matter, which mix hated for sure. it was only reaper and goblin who was now left at home. and they were at the couch, looking their new favorite, Korean cooking show, which they even didn't knew the name of, but never missed any episode. 

"so done with packing... ?" reaper asked from the person next to him. 

"ahhh....why all of you are like so much behind my packing...huh...? " goblin was annoyed. 

reaper gave a weird look at goblin. 

"when are you leaving tomorrow...?" reaper asked again. 

"yah....you dumbass...can you stop talking for a while...." goblin said and grabbed reaper's beer from his hand and drank as it was his own can of beer. grim reaper threw a death glare at him and raised a middle finger. 

Bright win: The lonely god and his brideKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat