-Chapter 11-

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it was the next day where win felt somewhat okay, after he took the pill yesterday. his swelling too felt as if it was not paining anymore. he was at the restaurant, book told him to take a leave, but he came, as staying over aunts just make his brain go nuts anyways, so he thought working was good rather than staying there. 

"here...dont fret too much okay...you are on leave...." book said when he saw that win going to sweep the floor. he stopped win once he saw him, and grabbed the broom by force, and let win sit down. 

"i told you not to do anything...you need to rest...or else the swelling will never go..." book said with concern. win felt blessed to have book, as his elder brother next to him. he smiled at him and obeyed what his brother told him to do. 

"but i am bored brother...and i feel okay now..." win said with a cute sigh. and book ruffled win's baby hair and win pouted cutely as he was demanding for some work to do. 

"okay then...i have something for you to do..." book said after a few second thought. 

"yeah...please tell me..." win who excitedly stood up asked. 

"sit here and wait...that's your work..." book teased. 

"Ahhh...you cant tease me..." win sighed and pouted again. and book smiled for win's cute face. 

"okay then how about this...i will fry some wings...and you make my favorite salad for lunch...hah...hah...how about it...good idea right...okay then i am off to do my work...bbbyyyyeeeee...." win cutely said the latter and rushed to the back of the kitchen, even without listening what book might reply. win knew that book will not allow, so he just answered for himself and went on hike.

"i dont know what to do with this kid..." book smiled and continued with his work. 


win first washed the chicken wings, made the paste, mixed the paste with the wings and allowed them to marinate. until that happened, he opened the back door, and set the oil plate at the small slab they had. the back door leads to a small valley which eventually leads to the city center. they didn't use the restaurant utensils for their personal use, where they had this cute utensil set up that win and book bought when they did shop last month, agreeing to use it whenever they had dinner or lunch at the restaurant. 

he arranged them at the behind and took the wings and kept on the side of the slab. he kept the plate on the burner, and lit a matchstick to light the burner, and blew it up. he poured down some oil, and waited until the oil do some bubbles, so he knows that it's the time to put wing by wing for frying. 

"you are having wings today...?" suddenly he heard a voice, and win was startled. he saw goblin at his behind. 

"mister...what are you doing here...?" win was surprised to see him in here. 

"you summoned me...and that's why i came...." goblin said. 

"i summoned you...?" win asked by switching off the burner. 

"no i didn't....i always make sure not to summon you..." win confessed and goblin looked at him. 

"how did you lit the burner..." goblin then asked. win thought for a few seconds. and he closed his eyes dramatically and hit his own forehead by his palm.

win once knew that he did summoned goblin, exhaled a gap of air out. 

"anyways...what were you reading...?" win asked once he noticed the book that goblin had at his hand. 

"Ahh..this..." goblin showed the book to win, and win took the book. 

"Rumi..the book of love..." win read. and rushed through the pages. 

Bright win: The lonely god and his brideWhere stories live. Discover now