The Tickle Monster

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"I'm guessing North is going to accuse me of being up to no good if I go anywhere near the grill, so I'm gonna join Nathan and Kota," Luke said, starting to jog towards the two playing frisbee. "Come join us later!"

"Have fun!" I called back as we neared the barbecue pit. North was at the grill, where two dozen hamburgers and hot dogs were sizzling. Silas was leaning against a tree to keep him company, and they were talking casually in Greek as we approached. I really needed to start carrying a Greek-to-English dictionary around with me.

"North, how is lunch coming along?" I asked, giving Gabriel a side hug before slipping under his arm and walking up to North. "Do you need any help?"

"Nothing much to do over here," North answered as he flipped over a burger. "You can mix together the fruit if you want, Sang Baby. We've still got fifteen minutes before the meat is ready."

"Okay," I smiled, turning towards the table. There were separate fruit containers and a big bowl to put them in. I started peeling the bananas and slicing them up to put in first, feeling my heart flutter at the opportunity to contribute. As silly as slicing up fruit and putting it in a bowl was, I was embarrassingly proud of it. Victor and Gabriel had joined Silas in conversation as I watched North gaze steadily at the grill. My lips twitched.

"North?" I tried to get his attention while moving on to slicing the strawberries up. He grunted in response and glanced over at me.

"Are you having fun?" I asked, observing the hard lines of his face. My North wasn't much of a smiler, but from his expression now you'd think he was at a chocolate convention instead of the park.

"Of course I am, Baby," North answered, looking back at me intently as if it should be obvious that he was having a blast.

"Don't give me that look, North Star!" I giggled, turning back to the fruit and sprinkling some blueberries in with the bananas and strawberries. "I just wanted to make sure."

"I'm with you and my brothers, Hendricks is gone, the mission is over, and you're not in danger right now," North grumbled, turning back towards the grill. "Of course I'm having a good time."

"Good," I ducked my head, beaming down at the bowl of fruit. I began brainstorming what kind of games we could play after lunch while I cut up more strawberries. Something that everyone could play and enjoy. Maybe a few rounds of duck, duck, goose? We had enough people for a nice game of capture the flag. Or something sports related. The boys all loved sports. I think I saw a sand volleyball court near the lake....

I was abruptly startled out of my daydreams as fingers seized my waist and started tickling up and down my sides. I squealed in surprise and tried fighting against my captor as involuntary laughter came pouring out of me.

"Stop, stop!" I tried to yell, but it came out in gasps as I wiggled in their strong hold. The strawberry had gone flying and I had no idea where my knife was. Before I could pull in enough air to yell for help, the torturous hands were pulled away from me, and I turned around to see Luke ducking away from North.

"You idiot!" North yelled, stomping after Luke. "She was holding a knife. What the hell, Luke?"

"Calm down, bro," Luke chuckled, turning back to me with smiling eyes. He held up a hand and brandished my knife teasingly towards North. "I picked it off her and put it in my pocket before I started tickling her. She's fine."

I hadn't even noticed. North just grunted in disapproval before turning back towards the grill. I tried to give Luke a stern look, but it was difficult while I was still giggling from the leftover tickling sensation.

"This is why I was planning on staying away from the grilling station, Cupcake," Luke rolled his eyes and walked towards me to flick my nose. I grimaced back at him in response before accepting my knife back. "But you were taking too long to join our frisbee game. Seems like grumpy little North can't handle a little fun."

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