Final Chapter

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Lincoln: I should have known… *The air became cold as they met the judging glare of the offended party. And this time… no one is leaving unscathed*. I guess I was right; you are still all the same. Still can't help but meddle. *Though the tone was icy, Lincoln's stare was calculative and held a hint of approval. This causes the tension to uncomfortably rise*. But as a shinobi, I should give points for being wary of a stranger you let into your home.

Lynn Sr: Stop, Lincoln! Please stop talking like that! You are not a stranger! You lived here! *Their father tried to emotionally reach him but was frozen in place by an unseen force*.

Rita: Nothing here will threaten you. You're no longer in danger. *she tried with a softer tone, though was equally unsuccessful*.

Lincoln: Sorry. Force of habit after the life I left behind. *Their brother may appear sheepish by scratching his head, but it did not sit well that it sounded sarcastic… almost mocking. Tiredly sighing, Lincoln resumed criticizing himself*. Then again, the civilian life had made me very careless in this new territory. You could say I thought I could let my guard down. *The masked 'boy' looked over to find the accessory to this crime still on*. And I forgot how advanced the technology here were… Still going to kick myself later for not anticipating the possible threats-… *He stopped when someone pushed herself to the forefront*.

Luan: If it's about all those embarrassing videos I took of you, I'll get rid of them! *she even kneeled and folded her hands to sell the pledge. The ninja didn't look impress*.

Lincoln: Don't-. *CRASH!, What he was about to say was interrupted when a computer came crashing before him. They all found the culprit as Lisa was gasping after exerting such effort*.

Lisa: They're inconsequential. Anything prior his disappearance holds no leverage. *Which holds true as they thought the 'man' was matured enough to ignore childish moments of his youth*. But I now destroyed any evidence since your return. *she tried to appeal. However, the leveled stare she got meant that it wasn't enough*.

Lincoln: The physical evidence, yes. But I have to disagree. *And by that alone the little genius knows she lost any chances to appease for reparation,. Lisa… You're a smart girl. Answer me this: When is a threat no longer a threat?

*The riddle sent chills down their collective spines once the girl produced one cold plausible answer*.

Lisa: When there is no more threat.

*She doesn't know what her male sibling was doing to appear larger than life, but the heavy stare was becoming oppressing*.

Lincoln: The harsh life of a shinobi fostered that mindset to protect those that matters to us… even before they come to fruition. *Lisa fearfully deduced what was being left unsaid. All instincts were screaming to run or hide from this dominating presence*. And as the best among the rank, it was my former job to terminate them by any means necessary. *Tears started to well as she wonders: Was this the fear for one's life, That deathly pressure was lifted when Lincoln averted that fierce gaze, the steel in his eyes softened to something more neutral*. But I do not like to stain my hands anymore, especially from my own blood*.

Lincoln: Luan. *The girl stiffened at the call*. Just as I was about to say earlier: don't erase those videos yet. You might want something to remember Lincoln. *The way he said it forebode nothing good*.

Leni: But… you are Lincoln. *she sadly tried reassuring. She reached for him before he was engulfed by smoke, Once it cleared, they were met with a face that haunted them ever since*.

Lincoln loud As Hatake KakashiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon