Chapter 8

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Lori: Siblings meeting is now in session. Is there anything to be brought up before we shall proceed? *This was the only time the Loud sisters were able to gather since things have slowly improved. Lincoln however was out due to a personal errand. It was this opportunity that Lori had taken advantage of*.

Lynn Jr: It's a siblings meeting, right? So why aren't we including Lincoln? Don't you remember the last time he wasn't included? *she has been very defensive of their brother lately. But her concern does have merit*.

Lori: I remember but the reason we are having this meeting is because it's about Lincoln. *she firmly clarified. It is hard to freely talk about the subject if he was present. But she promised the next meeting that isn't directed at him will include their elusive brother. Seeing as everyone has settled down, Lori handed the floor to Lisa who set up her presentation*.

Lisa: Thank you, eldest sister. To establish a basis of comparison we shall review our experience starting on the day Lincoln had gone missing. - *It was a very dark moment in their life and there was no one to blame but themselves. It was very fortunate they did not resort to eviction as they would have been judged much worse. In that time frame, their relationship and resolve were tested. Some broken, some formed. But all they wished was to repair the one bond they wrongfully severed. But upon his return, the whole neighborhood turned a 360. The judgmental scrutiny was replaced by pity when Lincoln returned as a delinquent. But what hurts was that it was part of his plan to take away the negativity towards the family by being their scapegoat. They may not be able to tell the whole truth but they heavily defended him nonetheless. Lisa flashed two pictures of their brother as a comparison on the screen, which Lily constantly shifted her attention between the before and after image,

Lucy: -Now his altered physical stature, dark clothing and aloof demeanor, not to mention the blemish he constantly covers portrayed him as what socially categorized as a Solitarius lupus, street name: A lone wolf. *They paused the meeting when Leni fretfully begged for Lucy's help before the next full moon*.

Lisa: As I was saying, due to these traits, many were hesitant to approach him but a certain few: namely Clyde, Ronnie Anne, later his former associates, one designated as Stella Zhau and oddly… other female subjects. *she flashed some pictures of those who were in close proximity to their brother. Some of the girls they recognized but most seemed to have a commonality: a dusting of red on their cheeks, Lisa may have an assumption for Lori's very forced expression so she quickly switched the slides*.

Lori: That all changed when Lincoln took command of a chaotic school assembly. *She played the video obtained from an 'anonymous' source. They had to pause again when Luan burst out in overwhelming giggle and pride. Once resumed, they listened inventively. It started out dismissive, brash, uncaring, then thought-provoking. They were so steered by the speech that they somehow related it to their parents. With all the chaos in the Loud house, they still nurtured the children to the best of their ability. After the speech, Lynn now definitely wants Lincoln at her game even it means she has to beg*.

Lynn Jr: Forget the student council. Send him to Washington and let him take over the States.

Lisa: After this incident, our brother unit's reputation at school had become favorable. And it was further enhanced through his demonstrated skills in physical, mental and social tasks. *she played some clips showcasing the many activities Lincoln had taken part of*.

Lynn Jr: And he turned them all down? *The sportsgirl incredulously asked after seeing how effortless he was in Dodgeball. Better watch out for that one girl though*.

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