Chapter 12

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Lincoln: *thinking* After losing consciousness from battling for so long…, I woke up strapped on a bed to ten and later twelve familiar faces…, Nine out of ten girls grinned nervously when their parents gave then disbelieving look.… Still the same after all these years… quite literally. And still as chaotic as ever… just like I remembered. Sorry about this by the way. *All cringed when the white-haired ninja lightly tapped the damaged tablet*.

*They blew a sigh of relief by the bit of good fortune that followed*.

Lincoln: But I heard that you have a soft spot for kids. So, I think you would've let it slide and say it was just an accident. That they're just children. And you're probably right. You did take me in after all.

*The Loud couple silently thanked the man for taking care of their son*.

Lincoln: And you said to not lose hope of returning home…

*But they felt something wrong when Lincoln uttered that assurance without any conviction*.

Lincoln: I wished you didn't lose yours when the world was against you. I would have helped knowing from experience."* And now they are worried with what he meant, wanting to know yet fearing of the answer.

*Lisa was a bit troubled with how quick her brother can shift between emotional spectrums*.

Lincoln: But enough of our losses. I was never able to talk much about my family, being all moody and grumpy at the time.

*None of them bought the understatement they can only imagine*.

Lincoln: Now where to begin?

*They wondered what was that piece of paper he brought out. But after laying it beside the photo, Lisa magnified it to show the Loud family*.

Lincoln: Let's start with Lily: the happiest little bundle of joy… if it's not time to change her diaper that is. *The family giggled at the baby's pouty face*. Her future is limitless with so many of her loved ones to guide her. *They were not sure how much Lily knows, but they felt warmth in their hearts at their baby sister's praise*. It was one of my regrets of never seeing her grow-up. But to my surprise and joy, I can still have that chance. I wonder if my portrait would do her justice…

*They all wondered what he meant until Lisa suddenly paused and scurried upstairs*. When she returned, they were about to scold her for taking that recognizable sketchbook. But it was put on hold when the little genius opened to a page that confused everyone. A sense of familiarity lingered the longer they looked at it. It's because they cannot remember who the sketch of this smiling young girl was. She was standing in a field of flowers that Lucy suddenly realized are, Lily, like the clearing of the mist, they slowly connected the symbolisms behind this picture. Lincoln imagined his youngest sister's future*.

Lincoln: Next is Lisa: the smartest child you'll ever meet and I already met a number of 'so-called' geniuses. Even if she believes of having such mature outlook…, I'm glad she still has her childish innocence. *This phrase was proven when she tried to stop Luan from playfully ruffling her hair. But the tired sigh the man let out blew away the uplifting moment*.  But I fear it's because of both contexts that she's afraid of me. Because I am something unfamiliar… An unknown. *Her scientific mind may have understood the sentiment, but the childlike heart felt crushed for the assumption… that she can't disagree*. As a shinobi, I commend her for that. *And it hurts that her male sibling believes in that too when his face scrunch in thought. But her tears were put on hold by a surprising follow-up*. But it is also my fault. I shouldn't have placed her with the likes of those traitors. She's innocent… She's still young… She's still learning… She's still… pure. She still has so much good to offer the world. *Lisa childishly let the tears flow, feeling unexplainable relief at his heartwarming defense*. All of them… And if they let me, I wish to protect them for as long as I can. *They paused for a moment to let their smartest little girl be a child for once, though the others too felt touched at the indirect declaration. They resumed the video once everyone was calmed down*.;Then you can never find a more different yet similar pair of twins…, that is if you didn't meet the Hyugas. Lola's fiery brilliance that may one day outshine the competition.

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