Chapter 3

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*The ominous weather foreshadows the unfinished tension happening in Royal Wood. After a brief turbulence followed a quiet best described as being in the eye of a storm. The only sound that was heard was the whimpering of Charles, who after taking a cautious whiff of the strange man happily bounded to his long-lost owner. For a parent, being able to see their children grow up successful is the greatest blessing they could have. But for the Loud, seeing their middle child as an adult and already has years working in what equates to a soldier is… hard to believe. And the bitter pill: Lincoln had made it this far in life on his own… without their help. After hearing where his only son had been, Lynn Sr. uncertainly took the initiative.

Lynn Sr: Alright… son, to summarize: You planned to run away after being left behind, taking what you can for your escape.

Lincoln: Eeyup. *The way he casually answered about his ordeal was a bit unsettling*.

Lana: Then you accidentally activated one of Lisa's doohickey and ended up in a world of ninja! Not just regular black mask ninja, but ninjas that can breathe fire, punch boulders and fight on giant frogs?! *The little tomboy seemed eager for the last one*.

Lincoln: Toads and yeah.

*Lana gloated at her twin that there was no place for princesses in such action-packed world. The table was turned when he mentioned going on missions protecting some nobilities… one particularly who happened to be an actress*.

Lori: And for years, you trained your butt to be the strongest and best leader of your ninja army?!

*Her voice was laced with disbelief from so many things her brother can and possibly do now that he reached adulthood first*.

Lincoln: Hmmm… I won't say I was the strongest or the best as there were others far better than me. *was the shinobi's modest downplaying to the praise* But yes, I earned my rank and did take command of various units in my career.

Luna: Okay… Dude, this is beyond bogusly freaky! How come you're not freaking out?! *Others may have different ways to describe it, but Luna's sentiment meant all the same*.

*Lincoln… Or Kakashi now, just calmly shrugged*.

Lincoln: Oh…, I'm freaking out alright. But in my line of work, one must control themselves or risked serious slip ups.

Luan: What kind? The ones that gets the pink slip? *Luan tried to lighten the air*.

Lincoln: No… That ones that slips you six feet under if you're lucky. *She failed miserably*.

Luan: So, you should be careful or you'll fall? Oh… Leni. Bless her naïve little heart.

*He could deadpan, but decided against it*.

Lincoln:… Eeyup.

Lisa: I… find your narrative simply… incredible. And not as a compliment, but something difficult to comprehend! *After hearing of his… adventure, Lisa can't help but find many holes. Key subjects were given only basic descriptions and any would-be sensitive topics were effortlessly diverted. His contributions to that world's history was deemphasized at best and suppressed at worst! Her mind is going on overdrive upon learning that one of her inventions unexpectedly worked. The little genius approached her older brother unit, wishing to know more*. I respect theories regarding time and space. But for human to evolve into the realm of supernatural! It's beyond absurd! Please, you have to go into more details-!

Lincoln loud As Hatake KakashiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum