Chapter 11

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*The somber air was disrupted by panic. When their brother placed the flower in a makeshift vase that two girls loudly realized how deep in trouble they really are*.

Lynn Jr: Oh cruds, oh cruds, oh cruds! This is worse than bad luck! *The family looked at her with disapproval but Lynn stood fixed in horror*. I know its taboo but hear me out! We broke a shrine!

*Being in her element did not take away the weight of their action as Lucy backed her sister*.

Lucy: I agree with Lynn! What we did was beyond sacrilegious! *Most didn't know the word but all learned to pay respect to departed love ones. And what they did was beyond disrespectful. That suspicion was confirmed when he laid a picture, Lynn guessing it must be a copy like the one he showed many nights ago. They could only watch with heavy guilt as Lincoln sat on his knees and folded his hands in silent prayer. They all held their breath, not knowing what to do now as the grim feeling took its hold. And after who knows how long, the uncomfortable silence was broken*.

Luan: Kon'nichiwa… Tou-san. *she quickly leafed through her dictionary*. I know Kon'nichiwa is hello. Tou-san is… 'father'?

Lynn Jr: That's what he called the guy who took care of him! *she clarified. They worriedly observed their tearful dad who was being tended by their mom. Lisa quickly entered a program to translate Lincoln's one-sided conversation when he resumed in Japanese. (Sub or dub?)

Lincoln: It has been a while since we last spoke. Things had been rather hectic there… *The ninja repositions himself as he sat against the wall. They try to understand amidst some unfamiliar contexts or inaccuracy in the translation*. Though Lucy was very unnerved of 'the power of human sacrifice.

*But from what they can make out: Lincoln… or Kakashi was about to be appointed leader of the Ninja village before joining forces with the other villages to fight in what essentially is a Ninja version of a World War (Fourth if they got the translation right) They went to war against, get this; mutant clones, super ninja zombies, giant monsters and many evil masterminds, including Kakashi's former friend who redeemed himself at the end. And Lincoln finally reunited with his former students who he saved before losing consciousness*.

Lincoln: That's basically the summary of what happened there. I did prepare a more detailed version when I see you again-.* Then someone suddenly pressed 'pause'*

Luan: Hold on! Back up! What does he mean again?! *Now everyone was curious when Luan pointed that out*.

Leni: Maybe Lincoln was going to talk to Tou-san, even if he was a ninja zombie. *she was corrected that wasn't the man's name*.

Lola: Riiight… If there was time in between trying to eat his brain! *she added that possibility even though there was no mention of the said eating habit*.

Lisa: But consider the circumstance. What were the chances they would have met in the battlefield? The summary was quite lengthy, so I have some difficulty seeing such opportunity in an already stressful environment. *she elaborated. The way he implied must take an extensive amount of time to cover*.

Luna: Or maybe he would have gone visit like now before everything went bonkers. *She placed her two-cents*.

*Any arguments were stopped when they heard a muffled sound and frantic muttering. They all nervously turned to a scene that mirrored a very unsettling moment one dark and stormy night. Only this time there was no cards scattered on the floor and Lynn did not hold back her tears as she furiously consoled the distraught goth in her arms. Their mother openly wept as she held the two girls while their father tried voicing some sort of comfortt

Lincoln loud As Hatake KakashiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora