Chapter 9

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*After recalling that awesome yet frightening discovery, no one spoke as they tried to gather their bearing. But in a Loud family fashion, the quiet did not last long as they argued once again. Some tried to defend him. Others… not so. And one tried to regain control by blowing a sharp whistle, With their attention back on her, Lori summarized their argument*.

Lori: Alright! We get it, Lisa. We don't know the Lincoln now. So, what do we know?

Luan: His new name means 'scarecrow'.

*They weren't sure what to make of Luan's trivia, other than she's taking being the go-to for all things Japanese seriously*.

Lynn Jr: Uh… he's grown up, a ninja and has super powers. Anything I missed? *She helpfully listed*

Lola: Try: A lot! She meant what do we know about him personality-wise *She 'helpfully' clarified, Each tallied how the new Lincoln greatly changed*.

Lucy: His patience and understanding have greatly enhanced. So much that he had been rather… merciful of our antics.*She imagined that at his current age, Lincoln truly sees them as children. But she fears for his loss childhood… and how strong her brother had become to conquer his darkness*.

Luna: Well, the little dude is not so little anymore. Bro's so mature and responsible that sometimes I thought he's my uncle. *She placed in her input*.

Lana: A very distant uncle because he may be cool now, but we don't know much about him. *She added. Despite his open approach, Lincoln had become closed off…; hiding his features in a literal mask*.

Lisa: Like I said: our male sibling only allows us to know what he is willing to divulge. *She repeated her earlier findings that they can no longer deny*.

Luan: I think he may have some trust issues. Not that I can blame Linc after what we have done to him in the past. *she sadly supplied*.

*While the others continued bouncing theories, something piqued Lori's attention. If there was the most perfect gesture of trust…*.

Lori: Leni! *Said girl was startled by Lori's call, followed by attention of the others*. What does Lincoln tell you?"

Leni: Like what? *was Leni's genuine curiosity*.

Lori: I don't know. About himself or us. Anything that will give a clue of what he thinks and do. *she ensured that did not sound desperate*.

Leni: But why would you think he'll tell me?" Many will think that she is just playing dumb. *But considering this is Leni… Yeah, that's a bad analogy, Holding back a groan, Lori patiently explained*.

Lori: Well…, I don't know if you notice but besides Lily, he seems to get along better with you.

Leni: How? *And they all started pitching in how Lincoln seems… nicer to her, which Leni objectively counter that he was kind… or at least very considerate to all of them. But there was one privilege that the ditzy fashionista is painfully oblivious of having that they would kill (metaphorically) for even just a glimpse*.

Lincoln: -and at the last 'Sister Fight Protocol', he was literally on your side. *She pointed out a more recent event, hiding the jealousy that was taking hold*.

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