A Duck Walked Up To a Corner Store

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When James returned, he went straight to his closet. 

You watched him study the contents. "Getting ready for your drag race?"

"I'm choosing clothes that aren't similar to the Team Rocket uniform, for your information."

"You should wear a dress."

"I am not wearing a dress," James said. "It's not the weather for it."

"It definitely is. You should wear the pink one."

"Get off my back, will you? Let me pick my disguise in peace."

"That pink dress should be on your back."

"Mhm," James dismissed. 

Since the Team Rocket uniform was primarily black and white, you assumed James would pick something a bit more vibrant. You watched him curiously as he examined different articles of clothing. 

He finally decided on...well, a very different outfit, that was for sure. Very effective. Long, bright green shorts with sunglasses in the pocket and a loose pink t-shirt.

"You look dazzling."

"Of course I do. Wait, did you just watch me change?"

"Uhhhhhh, no, no, not at all. No idea what you're talking about."


James knelt down. "The trick lies in the shoes, though. Most criminals don't change what shoes they're wearing. That's why it's one of the best pieces of information to provide." James sighed as he scanned the shoes on the floor of his closet. "Of course, since that became more common knowledge, a lot of the better---or, worse---criminals have left or thrown their shoes away completely after committing a crime."

"You seem to have done your research. Or is that just an excuse for you to own heels?"

"I wouldn't care what you believed at this point. I've learned there's no stopping you and your sickening imagination."


James decided on a pair of pale pink sneakers that matched his shirt. "Bring one of your pokemon," he instructed, "so it doesn't look as suspicious."

You slowly slid off of the bed and grabbed Totodile's pokeball from the nightstand. The weight felt natural in your hand, and a sliver of your mind tugged at a vague connection to the word "fate." You didn't want to get too caught up in thoughts of divine plans or anything like that, but you felt as if you definitely were supposed to be spending more time strengthening your connection with Totodile. You wondered if everyone felt this way towards their starter. You wondered if this was perhaps how James felt about all of his pokemon, which would explain his close relationships with them. 

That must get in the way often, you thought. 

James began to walk to the door. "You're lucky you're not bed-ridden yet."

"No, you're lucky," you said. "Because the only bed I'd be 'ridden' to would be yours."

He opened the door. "Only because yours truly was sleeping in it, obviously."

You followed. "Not for the reason you'd want. It would be because it would annoy you, obviously."

"Would? It already has."

"If it annoyed you so much you would have chosen a different place to sleep."

"Maybe I just felt bad leaving someone so sick and vulnerable all alone," he said. "Oh, you poor thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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