Chapter 9

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Soldier: And that is all I can say.

Luka: Fine, you can resign.

The soldier leaves the royal chamber.

Luka: A skeleton, mh?

Darko: Assuming that weapon to be sure exists, it very well may be utilized for our contention with Honta. For what the guard said, it appears as though it works with magic; it will be difficult as far as we're concerned to carry out it in the military, and the plebeians are challenging the expense increment.

luka: We actually couldn't say whether it is genuine or not. Plus, Salazar Mayhew is a skeleton, controlling the region of Gallo behind a manikin governor. We really want to-

A courier goes into the royal chamber depleted.

Courier: My rulers, I have a message from the inquisitor Nalgib.

Luka: Read it.

The guards begin perusing the letter with a quiet tone.

"Dear leaders of the Kemeean Government, I have explored the witcher Salazar Mayhew, who was delegated as a suspect in dark magic practices. To start with, I should educate you that the name regarding Salazar Mayhew is a bogus character, and the suspect's genuine name is Bolat Abaiov. I have drawn nearer to the witcher, and I can totally pronounce that he has a state of undead. In any case, no hints of dark or light magic were viewed as on the individual; not even the most thrustful trial of the league have had the option to show any hint of dark or light magic over him. This causes me to expect Bolat is a result of either sacred or demonic magic, and by outcome, I and every one of the individuals from the Kemeean office of the League of Magic Wardens have chosen to pass on this case to the specialists of the sacred Inquisition Alliance. I want to believe that you can figure out this present circumstance and take the best mixture for the country."

"Inquisitor Nalgib, top of the Kemeean office of the League of Magic Wardens"

Darko takes the letter and looks under the sign, where he takes a gander at the brilliant mark of the league, which leaves him flabbergasted as they can do nothing. with this, luka figures a second, carrying the alliance to the country could mean an all out command over the country, and the strategies of the alliance arrive at the reason behind consuming towns completely in the pursuit of religions and clients of demonic magic in their practices, and simply an indication of he and his sibling could mean releasing s extraordinary indictment across kemee, he couldn't care less on the off chance that demonic magic is practitioned in kemee or not as long as it doesn't;t influence the public authority, however the danger of salazar, or better said, bolat, and his conceivable nature of sacred or demonic magic outcome at a high danger against the crown, in addition to the fights of the plebeians against the increment of military and duties, this left darko and luka with the choice of not permitting the alliance enter and make a move with their own hands.

In numerous towns in Kemee, individuals start uprisings against the aristocrats and the military, which has begun to execute curfews to stay away from clashes among them and the residents. Because of the expansion in charges, many individuals are not equipped for paying, which makes the military seize their properties and products to pay the due sum, causing the ascent of uproars and an all out persecution of the military over individuals. With the assistance of the aristocrats in those urban communities, ruequegori and pamique are among the most impacted because of the low progression of exchanging as the dealers fear getting into a contention between the ordinary people and military. A few figures ascended against their own states in their urban communities, following similar way the residents of Gallo crossed to change their administration. It is said that the new government has conceded opportunity to slaves, giving them the opportunity to do what they need and have a family, albeit many slaves still have a few lingering doubts about it.

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