The end

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Samira:we never got to share our first night
Hakim: that's because you tried to kill me.Why did you jump infront of me?
Samira: it's because I love you.

Hakim:where did you get the gun?
Samira: I was going to ask the police to shoot me as I turned myself in.I am a sinner.

Hakim:but you repented,but me on the other hand..
Samira:you did when you decided not to kill me, and when you gave up the mafia.
Hakim: I repent .I wish we could undo our actions

Samira:It's too late for us, let's just pray that Allah forgives us.

Hakim:yes.(he kissed her one last time,their foreheads leaned against each other as they whispered the final words every Muslim must say


They were gone.Her head laid on his chest as his laid down.All we can do is pray for these two people who have sinned greatfully that Allah shines his Mercy onto them.Ameen.

Samira's aunt heard the news of her nieces passing.It broke her.She buried her niece beside her parents and brother.Beside Samira was her husband Hakim's burial place.

Before Samira had left the house, she had left a video recording confessing to killing those people.

She also showed the confessions of those criminals.She Apologised to the people and asked for forgiveness.

At the end ,she looked up and asked for forgiveness but for not only herself but for her Hakim.

She knew she would get death penalty ,that was why she hid the gun in her clothing,so that the police would kill her once and for all

But that never happened,but her life was still taken,along with her husband.Atleast they died together,but they now had to face Allah's wrath.

They had already repented, and we know Allah as being merciful.He will most likely shower his Mercy on them,but we are not him,so let's continue to pray for them

Samira's last video was everywhere,as expected More hate was thrown at her and other Muslims.

But there were many people who stood up for the Muslims and spoke against the attrocities that Muslims suffered through.

All those powerful men were found guilty, and all the affected Muslims were compensated.

This could not bring the lives that were lost back,but it give, what Samira and many Muslims wanted, which was justice.

The end

(This is my first book with the leads dieing.They were not perfect and at the end chose to repent .This is fiction,an eye for an eye is wrong and never allowed in Islam.

Islam is a religion of peace,if you see some Muslims doing otherwise, then they are not good Muslims. This story is short because I didn't have enough ideas.sorry for that)

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