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i know many don't have a good experience with the catholic or christian faith. I was one myself. So some heavy topics will be sorta mentioned here. 

At least it seems to me. If anyone wants to vent in the comment or express your opinion, I will allow you too. I understand that christianity has had negative effects on people, so I won't take offence. 

Like Alec was burnt to the stake because of religious people and its sad because it is a part of history in real life too. It's disgusting. So OC here understands why he hates religion, but to her and many christians like myself know that religion is different with true faith.

True faith in Jesus does not harm anyone mentally or physically. We may seem like we don't understand because we keep talking about it. But you must know is that we are just warning you, just like we would warn you about a your house burning down. 

As for the damages that people have gone through, but we both hear you and understand. Maybe, not understand because your experiences are your own, but we hear you. You are heard and loved. 

True christians love you and want the best for you.

I hope this made sense. If not, comment and I will clarify what I am trying to explain.







HIS BEAUTIFUL SMILE ALWAYS melted me, and made my knees shake, especially when it was turned towards me. Now, it was only for her to see. The beautiful doll of the Volturi, that's what everyone called her. Her petite stature and child-like innocence made everyone stumble.

As I watched them together, his smile lighting up her face in a way I had once known so well, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and longing. It was a bitter reminder of the love we had shared, now overshadowed by the presence of another.

Jealousy was indeed a sin, one I hoped the Lord would forgive me for, though it weighed heavily on my heart. It was a struggle to overcome the pain of heartbreak, to move past the feelings of resentment and longing that threatened to consume me. 

Despite my faith and my prayers for strength, the ache of seeing Alec with another woman had been a breaking point for me. It felt like a dagger through the heart, reopening wounds I had tried so hard to heal.

In the depths of my despair, I cried out to God, pleading for answers, for solace, for anything to ease the burden of my broken heart. But all I received in return was silence. It felt like a cruel betrayal, as if even my Lord had turned His back on me in my hour of need.

Now here I stood in silence.

Silence seem to be my only friend lately.

And yet, if you think that I am overreacting over a boy, it's okay. 

𝐍É𝐍𝐔𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑. Alec V.Where stories live. Discover now