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WHEN OUR EYES MET, she regarded me with such warmth and kindness. She was undeniably beautiful.

The Volturi had granted her sanctuary here, offering her the choice to decide between joining our immortal ranks or remaining human. And who could fault her for choosing life?

However, it was undeniable that my presence as her mate's girlfriend made everyone uncomfortable. The tension hung thick in the air, a constant reminder of the complicated dynamics at play. She remained oblivious, unaware of the unspoken tension that lingered between us. She must have questioned why my boyfriend seemed to constantly gaze in her direction and offer his assistance. Yet, she graciously accepted his gestures, never suspecting the underlying turmoil they caused.

As time passed, she found herself drawn to him in ways she couldn't explain. Despite the complexities of our situation, she couldn't deny the burgeoning feelings blossoming within her heart, slowly but surely falling in love with him.

And he, too, found himself inexplicably drawn to her. Despite the obligations and ties that bound him to me, his heart betrayed him, leading him down a path he never anticipated. As much as he tried to resist, he couldn't deny the growing affection he felt for her, caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and desires.

I found myself drawn to her genuine humanity, her purity of heart shining like a beacon in the darkness that surrounded us. She exuded a warmth and authenticity that I couldn't help but admire, a stark contrast to the shadows that cloaked our world. In her, I found a reflection of everything I had lost, a reminder of the light that once illuminated my own soul.

Our burgeoning friendship only added to the palpable tension that permeated our surroundings, particularly when she discovered the truth—that she was his true mate.

The realization of their bond only intensified the unease among those around us, amplifying the awkwardness that hung in the air like a heavy fog. Then, one day, she approached me with a solemn expression etched upon her face.

"Lily, I'm sorry," she uttered softly, her words weighted with remorse.

"For what?" I found my mouth moving almost involuntarily, my tone edged with a hint of bitterness. "You can't control it."

Her gaze faltered for a moment, a flicker of sadness crossing her features before she spoke again. "I know I can't control it, but I can't help but feel guilty. I never want to come between you and Alec."

Her sincerity touched me, melting away some of the resentment I had been harboring. Despite the complexities of our situation, I couldn't help but empathize with her plight. God had always taught me to be kind to everyone, even to those I struggled to want to like.

With a deep breath, I pushed my emotions down, burying them beneath a practiced smile. It was a facade I had grown accustomed to, a shield to hide the turmoil brewing within.

"It's inevitable, Ophelia," I replied softly, her name rolling off my tongue like a whispered incantation. Even in the midst of our tangled emotions, there was a certain beauty to her name, an enchanting quality that seemed to echo the complexities of our situation.

"No! I can just ignore it, you and him belong with each other! I..." Ophelia's voice cracked with emotion before she dissolved into tears, and I felt a pang of helplessness wash over me.

Caught off guard by her sudden display of vulnerability, I struggled to find the right words to comfort her. My own turmoil momentarily forgotten, all I could focus on was the pain etched on her face.

" Ophelia.."

And just before I could say anything to stop her from crying, he arrived, and as expected, he took the scene in front of him the wrong way. There I stood, towering over a crying Ophelia, my hand resting on her wrist, a picture that surely painted a misleading narrative.

"Back away from her!" His voice thundered with anger as he forcefully shoved me with a strength that bordered on inhuman, propelling me backward until I collided with the wall. The impact was enough to crack the sturdy surface, a testament to the immense power behind his actions.

Ophelia screamed in terror, her distress echoing through the air as she instinctively stepped back, her eyes wide with fear.

It was the first time he had ever laid his hands on me, and as I lay on the ground, stunned and shaken, I watched as he rushed to Ophelia's side. He enveloped her in a protective embrace, gently guiding her head to rest against his chest.

"What did you do to her?!" His voice trembled with a mixture of concern and accusation, his gaze piercing as he looked down at me, his expression a tumult of emotions.

"" I began, but before I could finish, Ophelia interjected, her voice urgent and pleading.

"Alec! Stop, Lily didn't do anything! We were just talking and I got sad, so I started crying!" Her words spilled forth in a rush, her eyes wide with desperation as she sought to defuse the escalating tension.

As Ophelia's words hung in the air, a heavy silence settled over us. Alec's expression softened slightly, his features contorted with conflicting emotions as he processed her explanation.

Slowly, he released Ophelia from his embrace and turned his gaze toward me, his eyes searching mine for answers. The air crackled with tension as we stood in a fragile moment of uncertainty, each of us grappling with the weight of our own emotions and the tangled web of relationships that bound us together.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as we all held our breath, caught in the delicate balance between misunderstanding and truth. Then, Alec's shoulders visibly relaxed, and he took a step back, his expression softening with relief.

"I'm sorry, Lily," he murmured, his voice tinged with remorse as he extended a hand to help me up from the ground.

As I rose to my feet, a sense of gratitude washed over me, tempered by the lingering tension that still hung in the air. Despite the turmoil of the moment, there was a glimmer of hope that perhaps we could navigate through the complexities of our relationships with understanding and compassion.

As I stood there, dusting myself off with Alec's help, I couldn't help but be struck by how perfectly matched they appeared. Ophelia's light features and flowing blonde hair seemed to radiate against Alec's dark and pale complexion, creating a stark yet captivating contrast.

Despite the turmoil of the situation, there was an undeniable beauty in the way they stood together, their connection palpable even in the midst of chaos. As I watched them, a pang of realization pierced through me like a blade: I was no longer meant for him.

" Its okay."

My lord always told me to be slow to anger.


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