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SLOWLY, OUR RELATIONSHIP began to wither and fade. What was once a flourishing flower in full bloom now wilted before my eyes. Alec's affection waned, his once warm embraces and tender kisses now cold and devoid of love.

One day, I ventured into the library, a place that had once been a sanctuary for me, I was met with a sight that shattered what little remained of my broken heart. There, in the dimly lit space, I saw Alec and Ophelia locked in a passionate embrace, their lips pressed together in a kiss that spoke volumes of their betrayal.

The sight of them together, so unabashedly displaying their affection, felt like a dagger to my chest. The pain was visceral, a raw and agonizing reminder of the depths of their betrayal.

Ophelia, whom I had once considered a friend, had chosen to cast aside our bond in favor of her own desires. And Alec, the man I had loved with all my heart, had willingly forsaken our love in pursuit of another.

In that moment, as I stood there, a silent witness to their betrayal, I couldn't help but feel the crushing weight of their deception bearing down upon me. It was a betrayal that cut deeper than any physical wound, leaving me grappling with the shattered remnants of trust and love that lay scattered at my feet.

"End it," a voice rang out behind me, jolting me from my reverie. I turned to find Alec's sister, Jane, standing there, her expression unreadable yet somehow knowing.

Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark command that echoed the truth I had been avoiding. It was a sobering reminder that sometimes, the most painful choice is the one that sets us free.

As I met Jane's gaze, I felt a wave of resignation wash over me. Her presence seemed to underscore the inevitability of what I had been avoiding. It was a moment of clarity amidst the confusion, a silent acknowledgment that the time had come to confront the reality of our failing relationship.

With a heavy heart, I nodded silently, understanding that it was time to bring an end to the charade, to release us both from the confines of a love that had long since lost its spark.

"I will, Janey... don't worry," I whispered softly, my voice barely audible over the hushed ambiance of the room.

Though my heart ached at the thought of what lay ahead, I knew it was a necessary step toward finding peace for both Alec and myself. With a heavy yet resolute heart, I turned away from her, determined to follow through with the difficult task that lay before me.

"You are still my sister regardless of this," Jane's words reverberated within me, a comforting reminder of the unyielding bond we shared. She was the only one who had stood by me, even as our relationship unraveled.

With a heavy heart, I waited for the opportune moment when Alec was alone, hoping for a response that would bring closure to our fading love. But as I broached the subject, his anger flared like a wildfire, his eyes blazing with fury as he refused to entertain the idea.

"I don't have time for this nonsense, Lily," he spat out, his voice laced with bitterness. "Can't you see I have more important matters to attend to?"

"Alec, we have to break up-" I began, but my voice was abruptly cut off by his piercing gaze, filled with disdain.

"No," he interrupted coldly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"But you don't even love me anymore! At least you don't act like it!" I protested, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Whose fault is that!?" Alec retorted sharply, his anger palpable as he leveled a accusing glare at me.

"How is that my fault!" I exclaimed, my voice rising with frustration. "You're the one who's been distant, who's been spending all your time with her!"

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