Chapter 26: Annie

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Angel woke up the next morning and sent her a good morning text. She opens it but doesn't reply. He sighs and flips over. He lounges in bed for a few hours before getting ready to head to the studio. He arrives at Vee Tower and sighs before stepping into the doors and heading to his dressing room. Val was nowhere to be seen but left him a note of his responsibilities for that day. He had several scenes to shoot then he can go home. Angel looks at the set list, he picks out his outfits for the scenes and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. He doesn't want to do this. He's not in the right head space. He sees his old photo still hanging on the wall. He moves to it and gently moves it aside revealing a small hidden door. He opens it, a little baggie fill of white substance still sits in there. He picks it up looking at it. He shakes his head before putting it back down, He closes the door and puts the photo back in place. She wouldn't want me to do that.. he thinks to himself before he looks at his phone, she still hasn't replied. Angel goes through his warmup routine and tries to get into character. The door opens as a woman walks in. Angel looks up and she's got her back to him. She has long green and black hair that was worn in a high ponytail. Angels eyes widen. The woman turns and about jumps out of her skin.

"Holy fuck I didn't know anyone was in here. I'm so sorry!"

She turns and Angels heart drops. It's not her. Why would he think it's her? He knew she wasn't coming back but he could hope.

"Yer fine."

Angel says softly. He doesn't really want to talk to her. He wants to be alone.

"Wait..are you Angel Dust?"

"Yea, why do you ask?"

Angel raises Ana eyebrow.

"Oh! Hi! I'm Annie, I'm the one you're doing the set with tonight. It's a please to meet you!"

Annie puts out her hand for him to shake. Angel looks at it then her.

"We are doing the set together?? That wasn't on mine."

Angel turns away from her and looks at his list.

"Oh yeah, my name stage name is different. It's Cori."

Angel looks and sees the spelling is different. He looks at the door angrily. Val did this on purpose... he got a woman who looked like Ana with almost the same name.. this didn't go ahead the contract, but neither did knocking him the fuck out. Angels blood boiled.

"A-are you okay?"

Angel paused. He looked at the frightened girl and took a deep breathe before giving her a small smile.

"Yeah... you just look a lot like my gir- ex... girlfriend.. is all."

"Oh... uh maybe he paired us by mistake then? I don't want to do this if it makes you uncomfortable."

Annie gave him a concerned look. She seemed super sweet and genuinely concerned about him.

"No, no. It's work. We gotta do it or Valentino will have both our asses."

Annie nods. Yes I've heard he's a bit hard on certain people. But he's not to me... he's never even so much as raised his voice at me.

"What?? Val is a terrible person. All he does is..."

Angel lets out a deep breath.

"Never mind. Jus consider yerself lucky."

Annie smiles at him and nods. They both get dressed and so the scene. Angel flips his mental switch and goes into character. He's doing perfect until Annie says her final line.

"Oh yeah, that was the best. I love you so much AngelCakes."

Angel froze. Angelcakes... Anas nickname for him... he shook it out of his head and quickly finished the scene before jumping up and running back to his dressing room. Annie hot on his heels. He burst through the door as Annie gently closes it. She turns looking at him with concern.

"Hey..what was that? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

Angel shook his head as he could no longer hold in the tears. He falls to the floor sobbing as Annie quickly runs to him and puts her hand on his back, trying to console the spider. This angers him and he loses it.

"Don't touch me! Jus get away from me okay?"

Annie froze and backed away as tears welled up in her eyes. Angel looks at her with a look of pure resentment.

"I-I'm sorry... I was just trying t-"

"I don't need ya help! I don't need no one's help! Jus get outta here!"

Angel slams his fist on the floor, making her jump as she runs out of the room in fear. Angel shakes, his fur standing up as he feeds into the anger. The very thing that caused this whole mess between him and Ana. He knew he shouldn't have lashed out at her like that, it wasn't her fault. But he needed her away from him. Angel gets up, he yanks the door open and walks around the studio looking for Val.

"Val! Where tha Fuck are ya, ya stupid son of a bitch?"

Angel kicks in the door to Val's office as the moth jumps.

"What the he-"

Val jumps up, but laughs as he sees how pissed off the spider is.

"I see you enjoyed your treat. Looks just like her doesn't she?"

"Yer lucky I don't rip ya fuckin dick off and shove it down ya fuckin throat. You think dats funny? You think you can jus do that shit and get away with it?"

Valentino lets out a loud laugh.

"What are you going to do about it? You can't touch me and I can't touch you. And if you do break the contract... I can kill you before she gets here."

Angel smirks at him.

"Last time I checked, it say YOU can't touch ME, not the otha way around."

Val's eyes widened. Angel was right. Before Val could do anything, Angels fist meets his face as he flies backwards into the wall. Val coughs at he gets to his feet. Vox and Velvette appear as they go to grab him.

"No! Don't touch him! I-it breaks the contract."

Velvette looks at him with her hands on her hips.

"You mean to tell me, you sighed the damn paper without reading that he can touch you but you not any of the Vees can touch him?"

"Well Vox was with me! I thought he would have read it and said something!"

Velvette groans as she puts her hand on her forehead.

"This is why I'm the backbone of this trio. You lot are bloody stupid!"

She storms out slamming the door. Angel grins as he walks out. He grabs his stuff and looks at his phone. She still hasn't replied but he smiles as he sends her a text.

~Just kicked Val's ass. Thank you for the fine print. I love you. 😘~

Angel smiles again, pleased with his work and heads back to the hotel.

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