Chapter 12: Worrisome

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Ana waited patiently for Angel to return. She looked at her phone and saw it was hours past the time he usually got home. She dialed his number and waited for an answer.

"I'm addicted to the madness
This hotel is my Atlantis"

His ringtone sounded from his room as she sighed, remembering he leaves his phone when he goes to work. She looked out the window worryingly before going downstairs.
"Hey Ana, tell Angel it's time for dinner."
"He's not home yet."
Ana said with a saddened tone.
"What? He usually is by this time. He's been late before, but not this late. "
"I know, I'm worried."
She paced around the entrance to the hotel as she waited. She looked out the window to see a stumbling figure as she rushed outside. Angel was leaning against the gate, breathing hard as he leaned over throwing up in a corner. She quickly took his arm and draped it across her back as she led him into the hotel and into a chair. She looked him over as she noticed the bruises and swollen face. Someone had beaten the unholy fuck out of him.
"Angel. Who did this?"
"Don't worry about it Hot Stuff. Im okay, I prom-"
Angel gets up, darting for a trash can and started hurling into it as he stumbled forward, unable to stay steady on his feet. Ana grabs him to steady him.
Charlie came running as she looked at Angel and Ana.
"Angel, what did you take?"
Angels face was red as he looked up. He was in a daze and his words slurred. His eyes half closed as he looked at them.
"I had no choice. He made me."
He tried desperately to not put his full weight on Ana but he could stand no more.
"I'll be okay. I'll sleep it off."
Ana looked at him a minute before picking him up. He was much taller than her so he was significantly heavier than her. She struggled a minute before she got a grip on herself. She held him close like he did her and carried him to his room. She laid him down and stayed with him, holding him tightly. She took care of him as he got up throughout the night vomiting. She made him drink water so he didn't get dehydrated and put a cold towel on his forehead to help keep him cool. By morning light, neither of them had slept any.
"Did you eat last night, Ana?"
"No. I was waiting on you. You're more important."
"Please go down and eat somethin. I'll be okay Toots."
"But I want to make sure you're okay. I don't want to leave you."
Ana protested.
"Then take it back up here. But please Hot Stuff, eat somethin for me."
Ana sighed and got up. She looked at him with a concerned look. He looked so tired and in so much pain. He smiled at her warmly as she left the room. Ana walked down to the kitchen to make a sandwich, she was so tired but she needed to take care of him like he had her so many times. She made her sandwich and threw a handful of chips on to her plate as she looked around for some crackers for angel. Something light on his stomach. She ended up finding stuff in the fridge and started on making a homemade chicken soup that her mother taught her when she was a kid. It had helped her when she was sick and she was hoping it would help angel.
"That smells delicious."
A old timey voice said as she turns seeing Alistor.
"Why do we always seem to run into each other in the kitchen? Is this where you hang out?"
Alistor chuckled.
"I only come out when I smell meat."
He flashed her an insanely creepy wide grin that sent shivers up and down her spine.
"You're more than welcomed to some if you'd like."
Ana said slowly, trying not to show she was afraid of him. But he had a feeling he knew.
"How kind of you dear. I think I will take some."
Alistor walked up and peered into the pot as Ana ladies him some into a bowl. He ate it quickly and licked his lips after.
"That was delicious! You really should cook more often."
Alistor left quickly after having his fill. Ana cocked her head, he was a weird one. She threw a lid on the pot, grabbed a bowl and took it and her sandwich up to Angels room. She entered slowly as he turned to look at her.
"Sit up, you have to eat too."
Angel sat up as he smelled the scrumptious aroma of the soup.
"My mother taught me how to make this when I was a kid, it always made me feel better. Hopefully it helps you too."
Angel took the bowl and took a small bite. His eyes lit up as he quickly downed the bowl, his insides warming as he done so.
"That was really good. Thank you."
Ana stood up taking the bowl and put the rest of the soup in his little fridge he had.
She sat next to him as he seemed to have sobered up a bit. He hadn't vomited in a few hours and she made sure he was hydrated.
"Are you okay?"
Angel asked, taking her hand.
"I'm fine, are you?"
"I'm okay Hot Stuff, I promise I am."
"What happened last night?"
Angel went quiet.
"I don't think I-"
Anas voice was low but he could tell she was scared.
"Valentino. He was at the club when we went out. He wants you Ana. This is why I was so scared."
"Angel... where is he?"
"Ana no. I'm not letting him take you."
"He's hurting you because of ME. Look what he did to you?"
Angel winces as Ana gently ran her thumb across the bruises on his neck.
"Please Ana.. I can take it. What I can't take is the thought of him hurting you if he gets his hands on you."
Angel grabbed her hands as she realized just how scared he truly was of this man.
"I fucked up. He told me he loved me and I would neva have to worry with him. He said if I sold my soul to him he'd always take care of me. I shouldn't have listened. This is my own fault. I did this to myself Ana. You being here makes it bearable. No mata how bad I seem, I always have you."
Angel smiled but Ana frowned.
"I don't like him doing things to you like that. He needs his ass kicked."
"Ana, please. Promise me you won't go afta him."
Ana stayed silent for a minute before sighing.
"Promise me."
Angel gently took her chin in his hand, guiding her eyes to his. Ana looked at the desperate plea in his eyes.
"Okay. I promise I won't. Just please... I want you to be okay."
Angel smiled at her, relief on his face. Ana hugged him, nuzzling her face into his neck. He reached down, planting a kiss on the top on her head. He laid back down, guiding her down with him. They cuddled into each other as they fell asleep.

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