Chapter 14: Scared

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Angel woke up as he looked at the clock on the bed. It was still very early hours as he flipped over looking at Ana. She had yet another night terror. She's had them daily since the whole thing in the alleyway. She trembled as Angel got up,  pulled the covers up to her neck. He kissed her head as she muttered something in her sleep he couldn't make out. He looked at her with concern as he moved to the door to go feed Fat Nuggetz. Suddenly Ana shoots up, she had a blank stare in her eyes and doesn't move. Angel jumps.
"Fuck Ana, don't do that! You scared the shit outta me."
Angel looked at her as she said nothing.
She continued to stare straight ahead, almost through the wall.
"Hey, Toots.. you okay?"
Angel asked worriedly, waiting for an answer but received none.
"Hey, ansa me. You're scaring me, Hot Stuff."
Ana's head snaps to face Angel as he jumps again. His eyes grow wide as he backs up,  her eyes begin to glow green. A voice that was not hers started to speak.
"You can not have her. I will have her. Buy your time with her, because you don't have much of it left. She will be my vessel."
Ana's head moved slowly back to stare at the wall as the glow in her eyes dimmed and faded out. Ana stayed upright for a minute before limply falling backwards onto the bed. Angel rushed forward and shook her roughly, trying to get her awake.
"Ana, wake up. You gotta wake up, Toots."
He shook her a bit more violently, her body moving like a rag doll as the fear grew in him. Finally, she opened her eyes, looking at him as he stopped shaking her.  She gave him a confused look.
"Ana, talk to me Toots."
Angel cupped her face in his hands, gently pushing a stray piece of hair away. 
"W-what's wrong?"
Her gentle voice made him relax as he realized it was her.
"Come on, you're sleeping in my room from now on."
Angel helped her sit up as he scooped her up and took her to his room. He looked at her as she blinked back the light of the hallway. She said nothing as he carried her to his room and placed her in his bed. Angel looked at her as he pulled out Fat Nuggetz food and filled his bowl, his hand still shaking. The little pig munched happily. She seemed disoriented, like she had no idea where she was or who he was. Angel walked over slowly and took her head in his hands again. Caressing her cheek with his thumb. She seemed to stare right through him. His heart pounded as he smacked her face lightly.
"Hey. You okay? You gotta talk to me."
Ana looked at him and nodded. She wasn't reacting much to his taps on her face, which scared him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I don't know what's going on."
"You're acting funny Toots. I need ta make sure you're okay."
Ana shook her head as the blank look in her eyes vanished. She looked at Angel as he sat in front of her.
"I'm okay. What's going on?"
"You're not staying in that room anymore. You're sleeping here with me."
Angel explained what happened as Ana's eyes grew wide.
"Oh god, I didn't hurt you did I? Please tell me I didn't hurt you."
"No, you could neva hurt me. I felt like I lose ya for a minute. I'm sorry I joked about the bathroom thing Toots."
Angel looked down, feeling guilty. Ana pulled him into her arms as they both laid down.
"It's okay. You'll never lose me."
"Even if this stupid redemption thing works and you get ta heaven and I don't?"
"I wouldn't go without you."
"I promise."
Angel smiled as they snuggled into each other and went back to sleep.

The rest do the night went without issue as Angel awoke first once more. Remembering that mornings events, she turned to check on Ana who was sleeping peacefully. He kissed her cheek as she stirred. She turned and grabbed his leg, cuddling it. He chuckled as he moved it slowly.
"No come back. It was warm."
Ana protested.
"Time to get up, ya highness."
"5 more minutes."
Ana reached again for his leg, but he had gotten up.
"Why do you hate me?"
Angel laughed as Ana sat up pouting.
"You're normally awake before me Toots, ya should be proud."
"That just means you're up too early then."
Ana flashed a quirky grin his direction which made him laugh again.
"Alright smartass. How's about we gets up and get some food. Will that appease ya?"
Ana smiled and nodded.
They two walked down to the kitchen as Angel watched her make picture perfect pancakes. They ate them as they laughed and joked with each other. Just genuinely enjoying each others company. Ana picked up a magazine looking at the shoe section. She was obsessed.
"Ugh I need a job. So many shoes I want and no money to get them."
"I'll get ya whateva you want, you know that."
"I know, but I really don't want to keep spending your money, no matter how much you have. I'd rather earn it myself. Plus it gives me something to do during the day."
Angel thought about this for a minute.
"How are you at dancing?"
"Dancing? Like regular dancing?"
"Yeah. And pole dancing."
"I don't know, never tried it."
"I can get ya a job, but I'll see if she can train ya to poke dance. I can show you a few tricks too."
Angel winked at her making Ana blush.
"I'll try it!"
Ana said excitedly. She wanted to learn to dance too and get good like him. She admired his skills.
"Alright Toots. Let's go see what you can do." 

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