Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell

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Ana's eye flutter open, as her vision comes to she realizes she's falling. Fear sets in as she screams. Her flesh begins to burn as her screams of fear turn into those of agony and pain. Her skin turns into a grayish purple color, she grows a tail and horns before falling face first onto a hard concrete sidewalk. She gets up brushing herself off as she walks forwards. A red demon looking creature walks out with a clipboard and looks at her.
"State your name please."
"Uh where am I?"
"Where does it look like dumbass, heaven? No you're in hell. Now state your fuckin name so we can move on."
"Ana Grim"
"Ah yes. Ana. Enjoy hell. Or don't I don't care."
"But I changed, I gave up my life style I'm not supposed to be here."
"I don't make the rules. You get sent here and I check you in. You check in, and never check out. Now move it."
Tears formed in Ana's eyes as she walked forward, a 666 branding appears on her side as she walks. She shakes in the dark cold entrance way as she wonder into the black gates. Where do I go? What do I do? I can't be dead. This has to be a dream. This has to be. I thought god forgave people, I didn't even get a chance to ask for forgiveness. She moves down the street as demons with yellow eyes and creepy smiles plastered on their face watch her. She sees a woman that doesn't seem as creepy and walks up.
"Excuse me."
The demoness turns around and gives her a look.
"What do you want? I ain't got no money."
"No no, I was wondering where new people from hell go.. like do we just find a house and just claim it? Or what?"
The demoness laughs.
"Ah so you're a Newbie huh? Try the happy hotel. They are always taking guests. Just agree to whatever the Princess asks and you get a free room. She's trying to get sinners to change and redeem themselves to get to heaven, but if someone says that's what they want they stay free. Sounds kinda stupid to me but to each their own. If at the end of this street to the left. That's all I got for ya. Now get."
Ana nodded at her thanking her as she walked down the road. Her stomach rumbled as she passed by a bar, a delicious smell coming from inside. Music from a beautiful voice fills her ears as she's enticed in. She looks in seeing a 4 legged pink spider demon serenading the audience with his voice and sultry dances. His chest fluff was stuffed into a black leather corset, resembling a pair of breasts. He wore a black and pink Smokey eye and stiletto high heeled boots. Using one hand to hold the mic he used his other 3 to quickly climb a pole and dance some more. He looks at Ana and gives her a wink before he finishes his song and leaves backstage. She feels a tap on her shoulder as a bouncer tells her she can't be in here without paying. She apologizes and quickly leaves before heading down to the hotel. She looks at the entrance and sighs before knocking on the big heavy doors. A girl opened the door looking at her.
"What can I do for you?"
"Uh I was told to come here."
"Hold on a minute."
The girl gestures for her to step inside as she heads off. She's got grey skin, and long white hair with a big bow. She seemed a bit different than everyone else but she couldn't tell why.
"Hi! Welcome to happy hotel! I'm so glad you're here!"
A cheery voice bellowed from across the room as a girl runs up to her. She had blond hair with red under the top of the bangs. She wore a red blazer suit.
"I'm Charlie! I run the hotel and we are trying to help sinners redeem themselves to hopefully climb the ladder up to heaven! That's what you're here for right?"
"Uh yeah. I was told you do that. I don't think I belong here."
"Well just stay right there and we will find you a room!"
Charlie hurriedly fiddles in the drawers looking for a key.
"Here ya go! Room 667!"
"You gave her the one by HIS room? Are you crazy? He's gonna be all over her like bees to honey."
"Oh I'm sure Angel will be fine! He's gotten better!"
"Hardly. But if you say so."
"I KNOW so! Vaggie please show..."
Charlie trialed off.
"I am SO sorry, I never asked your name!"
"It's fine, it's Ana."
Charlie looks at her with a sparkle of admiration in her eyes.
"Well Vaggie, please show Ana here to her chambers!"
Charlie giggled as she tried to sound formal. Which caused Vaggie to roll her eyes and smile at the girl.
"Follow me."
Ana followed her through a long corridor with many rooms. It looked like the super fancy hotels they had back on earth. It was gorgeous. They stop at a large door as Vaggie unlocks it opening it up for her.
"This is your room, you can do as you please with it as long as it doesn't damage anything. No drugs, no weapons. Nothing that's considered sinful."
With that she hands her the key before she turns and walks off, leaving Ana by herself. She entered the room, which was a beautiful black and green, her favorite colors. She walks to a vanity in the corner and sits down, she closes her eyes before opening them to look at herself int he mirror. Her face hasn't changed at all, other than her skin color and her eyes now being purple instead of brown. She had the beautiful features and her hair stayed the same black with green highlights. She looked down and saw her wedding band. Ana sobbed into her arms, realizing she will never see her beloved Dean again. She will never see anyone again. A soft knock on the door behind her made her jump as she wiped away her tears. She got up opening it to see Charlie. Her large grin faded as she seen Ana's now swollen eyes.
"Are you okay?"
"I... I just realized I will never see my husband on earth again. He was such a great man.. he will never end up down here."
Charlie looked at her with a saddened expression.
"Do you want to see him one last time?"
Ana looked up and nodded.
"But how?"
Charlie walked over and tapped her mirror. It ripped and the image of Dean standing over Anya's body in a casket crying appeared. Then suddenly a woman came up and grabbed him by the arm.
"I'm so sorry for your loss Dean. I'm here do you need me."
The woman put her arm on deans shoulder and gave him a hug. She smirked evilly at the casket.
Ana's eyes widened. It was her ex girlfriend, Chelsea.
"That's BITCH!"
Ana growled, making Charlie jump.
"I-I'm sorry. Do you know her?"
"Yes! That's my ex girlfriend who almost got me killed."
Ana's anger turned to sadness as she sobbed uncontrollably.
"I'm in hell for what SHE forced me to do. And now she lives out the life I should be.. I'm a failure. I did this to myself."
Charlie patted her back and tried her best to comfort her.
"Well that's why we are here right? To get to heaven so you can be with him someday."
"I hope so Charlie, I really do."
Charlie smiled.
"I know you will. Now try and get some sleep. You can meet everyone in the morning."
An smiled and thanked Charlie as she left. She laid down and pulled the blanket up to her face as she drifted off.

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