Chapter 4

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(Back To You)

Chapter 3: Ice Pick━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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Chapter 3: Ice Pick

Charlotte was laying on her stomach on her bed dressed in one of Peter's shirts and a pair of his boxers on her laptop trying to find out who Miracle was and Peter was sitting next to her reading through Talia's journals to see if she ever wrote about what she did to them and what she took.

Talia sighed softly she knew it was only a matter of time before they start to figure out what happened 16 years ago.

"This is useless! There's no one by the name Miracle Mikaelson which would make sense if she was taken from them and adopted or put into the foster care system she wouldn't have the last name Mikaelson so really I have no idea what i'm looking for! And it doesn't help that she wasn't even born in a hospital so there's no record either!" Charlotte exclaimed frustrated

Peter sighed "There's nothing in here either" he states annoyed, they both just wanted answers but of course things were never that simple

Charlotte sighed dragging a hand down her face closing her laptop before remembering something "Hey, i'm thinking about bringing you back earlier, I know that we said the worm moon but...I don't know" she said mumbling at the end

Peter closed the book putting it on the bedside table before looking at Lottie "Not that i'm complaining as I would very much like to be back to that land of the living, but why?" he asks confused knowing Charlotte wasn't one to change plans unless she had a good reason

Lola chuckled softly moving so she was sitting cross legged so she could see Peter before answering "I don't know, a feeling that I need to. Something is going to happen I just don't know what yet" Charlotte told him pursing her lips slightly

Everyone looked worried at that knowing that the girl was most likely right and something was going to happen.

The Mikaelson-Hale children share a knowing look, they knew their family would go crazy at what was going to happen and honestly they were thankful that the person behind it all wasn't in this room because he would most probably be killed at least 10 times for all the trouble he causes.

Peter looked worried at that, the girl was always right about this type of thing "Come here" Peter says opening his arms which the girl moves into "It'll be okay" he mumbles kissing her head

"Hopefully" Charlotte said sighing tilting her head up to peck Peter's lips who grins at her.

"This won't be good" Charlotte mumbled everyone nodding in agreement


"No" Charlotte said rolling her eyes at Stiles as they stood in the gym at school with other students and Coach in front of the rock climbing wall as everyone was taking turns climbing

Back To You (teen wolf x tvd, Peter Hale)Where stories live. Discover now