Chapter 2

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(Back To You)

Chapter 2: Wolf moon ━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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Chapter 2: Wolf moon

Waking up a few hours later Charlotte checks the time on her phone it reading 5:47am, she huffs annoyed buts gets up putting her shoes and jacket on, leaning over and kissing Peter's forehead before quietly leaving the room, making sure the coast was clear before walking out of the hospital.

"How come you left so early?" Bonnie asks softly not noticing Elena glaring at her

"The nurses round on him at 6 so I sneak out before then" she shrugs, turning to face the screen again

Peter stares at the girl, he knew how often she slept in there, how she always left before his nurse came, but he never minded, actually he loved it because when Lottie was in the room his mind wasn't constantly replaying the fire and all the pain he's been through, when she was near him the only thing he could focus on was her and he loved it. The torment turned off when she was around, she is his peace. His home.

Climbing back through her window she sits down on her bed sighing before looking over at her dresser and grabbing the photo frame, smiling at it softly.

When the camera zooms in it shows a young Charlotte on Deucalion's back, Cora on Peter's back and Derek on Laura's all with the biggest smiles on their faces as Talia took the photo.

10 years ago at the Hale house...

Char, Derek, Peter, Laura, Deucalion and Cora were playing basketball while Talia watched smiling at their competitiveness.

Laura picked Lola up as she throws the ball and it goes in the net scoring "Yes!" the 6 year old exclaims, smiling at Peter and Laura who were on her team and they smile back, before she turns to Derek looking rather smug at his scowl for losing the game

Cora then walks to Derek staring at him for a second before punching him, Charlotte and Laura start laughing, Peter snickers, Duke just purses his lips trying not to laugh himself

"Cora don't hit your brother" Talia scolds crossing her arms and giving her the motherly look to which Cora just shrugs at

"It's his fault we lost" the 7 year old exclaims

"That's no excuse" the Hale alpha responds sternly

"Fine" Cora huffs "sorry"

Derek just nods still shocked "God Cor how hard did you hit him?" Char asks her sister still laughing, only getting a shrug in response

Talia sighs at her youngest daughters "Come on I want to take a picture" she smiles at her kids, brother and friend

"Mom!" "Talia!" they all whine in union obviously annoyed

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