betrayed by a lover

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*Phoenix,wash,snowy and. Bubbles made it to the mountains and saw that there's no one there and there's no one dead* phoenix: that's weird why would my little bro send us here where it's fine here. Wash: I don't know maybe they're hiding. *Bubbles giggles and takes out her metal fans and turn and was going to slash phoenix and until wash saw it she got her kunai and block it saving phoenix* wash: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!??!!? bubbles and snowy: you think that it was a normal villain *giggles* nope it's just us* wash: *in her mind: electro made spies for us to lose. Snowy: and this is a snowy mountain so why not show my full power* *while snowy was saying it the mountains started shaking and moving and form and snow covered ice beast and snowy is controlling it* snowy: THIS IS MY TITAN ILL KILL YOU ALL AND EVERYONE ELSE *phoenix was scared to found out that her own lover was a traitor so she snapped out of it and showed her titan*
(Some elementals will get a beast monster inside of them and summon them for fighting or healing🤓)
*Phoenix Summons her black and red phoenix and controls it and flies to snowy*
(First fight wash vs bubbles)
Wash *in her mind* I couldn't use all my stuff that my father showed me but I'll try my best* (wash is the older siblings of Hinata uzumaki and Naruto uzumaki and 100 times stronger than prime Naruto)
Wash: *she runs and punches bubbles and bubbles slash wash arm and she bleeds out and Regen it in one second and says* let's have some fun *wash does a evil smile and turns on her water dragon sage mode* *she appears to bubbles and punch in the jaw and make her go to the air and she used a kunai and appear to her and slam her down and bubbles disappear and leaves the battle and lives* fuck she got away *she sees phoenix and snowy yelling and fighting* *snowy and phoenix are to weak they stop using their Titan and attack face on and with 1000% of their power snowy starts burning and burns into ashes and phoenix falls and wash saved her and make her sit and phoenix knows that she was dying* phoenix: wash I have less then second to live but promise me this watch over my little brothers and be strong* *wash starts crying in tears and promise her and phoenix fully turns to ice and freeze and disappeared*
(the end of this fight)

elementals Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin