"WHY DID YOU KILL HIM!" she shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks,

"Where you lost?" Chan asked, noticing Jiyoung getting zoned out.

"Hmm.. yeah nothing." she said, regaining her composure. "Continue."

Chan nodded, taking a deep breath.

"The war happened due to a dispute between two mafia bosses, Chris H. of Italy- your father and Nikolai of Russia. With the fight spreading across Seoul, which was devoid of any such corporation, it was easy to cause more harm... My father, James Lee, stopped that fight and made all the continents' mafias sign a deed to never start such a fight again. Going against it would mean severe punishment." Chan elaborated,

"Treaty 26 EAAU, that no mafias of other continents will ever start a fight with the purpose of monopoly power..." Jiyoung nodded, recalling the terms of the agreement when she snapped her eyes back at Chan.

"In that treaty James Lee mentioned that no one will dare to do their 'mafia business' or exercise any kind of power in Australia. Among all the continents, only Australia will remain unharmed. That's the reason why we mafias hide there... Why did he do that.. why ended his job when he was one of the strongest mafi-" Jiyoung asked,

"To protect me and my sister..." Jiyoung blinked in shock as Chan revealed, "I have a sister, yes."

"Your father did so much for you... He was a good mafia... So why do you hate mafias so much?" Jiyoung questioned, her curiosity piqued.

Chan bit his lip, his gaze lowering

"Because he killed my mother."

Jiyoung's gaze flickered at Chan's revelation,

"Mom!" Chan cried, his arms cradling his mother's lifeless body. "Mom, please wake up... mom..." His voice trembled with desperation as he tried to wake her.

"Chris... I am sorr--" James attempted to console his son, reaching out to touch Chan's head. But Chan pushed him away, his eyes blazing with fury.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU ONLY LOVE YOUR MAFIA BUSINESS AND NOT YOUR FAMILY!" Chan's voice cracked with bitterness, his words laced with pain.

"It's not true... son, liste--"

"GET AWAY FROM ME AND MY SISTER! I HATE YOU, DAD! I HATE YOU!" Chan's shout echoed in the room, his eyes squeezed shut against the overwhelming anguish of seeing his father.

"What...?" Jiyoung whispered, her voice barely audible, before she noticed the tears welling up in Chan's eyes, which he fought to hold back.

"My mother, Bang Suha, was the daughter of an NIS head who was working to arrest all the mafias and send them to Interpol jail... To make that deed work, she needed to die... And my father..." Chan's voice faltered,  "It was either my father's wife and his children or his mafia business. And he didn't even think once before choosing his mafia business over my mother."

"You mafias are always heartless... Only think about yourself and your fucking business just like my father did." Chan's bitterness seeped through his words, his teeth gritted in anger.

"That's why I hate mafias to my core because it's useless and brutal to be your friends or lover. You guys don't even have heart." Chan spat in frustration, his anger boiling within him.

Jiyoung felt her heart shatter as she remained silent, her eyes lifting to meet Chan's, seeing the anger and hatred burning within him.

"Your hate for mafias is totally valid... Now that I know, you should leave me on myself." Jiyoung said,

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