"You had a girlfriend, didn't you?"

"Yes, but what can I do? She gets bored with my talks."

"Why do you talk to her?"

"You talk too much. I've broken up with her, now I only want someone who finds my serious talks funny."

"You'll get beaten up! Get out of here, crazy!"

Dad called everyone.

"Today we'll find out who will marry Payal."

Supriya is coming down the stairs, Geet saw her and said,

"Not today, I'm still feeling dizzy."

"How many excuses will you make? How will you make anything like this? You'll get stuck in a useless job."

Until I came here, everything seemed like a drama was unfolding.

I said from behind, "She doesn't need a job."

Dad said angrily, "Are you rich? Why you do not need a job? Rich?...You've trapped my daughter."

 Damn! Everything's ruined now. Supriya found out, and now already had a fight with Geet. This is the biggest drama of my life, like a story from a movie, and the writer seems to have decided to make me the target. I guess the writer is enjoying this.

I told Dad, "Dad! You can't talk to Geet like that."

"Look, someone who has never spoken even slightly loudly to anyone is saying this to me?"

"Yes, Dad, because I thought you were right, but you're wrong here."

"I'm wrong? What's her status? Who is she?" Dad said so loudly that it felt like he could shatter the windows of my house. My brother's encouragement pumped me up; I don't know, I suddenly felt like a lioness.

I felt like shout and ripping everyone's ears but when I was about to speak, Geet said,

"Payal, wait! Your dad. You don't need to fight for me."

Supriya tried to understand a lot, I thought she would speak, but she didn't say anything. There was a bit of drama, then she said to me?.

Supriya said, "Payal, don't fight, let it go, it's your dad. dad always right."

She understood everything but didn't speak, there was some confusion, she's taking my dad's side, even though she knows everything, why? why? why? Supriya was clever like a fox, and Geet is trapped by her. She'll never ask her to leave, and I knew this time I really want to be friends with someone, I just have to free Geet from this fox.

Then Ranjeet arrived there, seems like more drama is about to unfold.

"Dad, why are you angry? What did Geet do?"

"Show Geet her place, you're the best, tell her what all you've done in your entire life."

For some reason, this question was the most difficult question in the world, because Ranjeet didn't say anything after hearing this question, he didn't praise me at all, as if he knew the truth, he looked at me for a long time.


"Yes?" I said.

"I may be a good guy in the world's eyes, but you don't like good guys. That's the truth, and I've accepted it."

Ranjeet changed the subject, he's smarter than my phone. Saying this, he left. Ranjeet had a loss here, yet he did this. Then I asked my brother with my eyes,

"What happened?"

Ranjeet was sad, his face showed it. For Ranjeet's story, I sent Chipsy there because I knew Chipsy, he can be a gem, he talks a lot of sense.

I left from there, I don't know why Geet followed me, Supriya followed too, and the three of us swung together. It's strange, everyone's silent, nobody knows what to say. After a while, I started laughing. Because I was happy, I finally spoke against Dad. Geet, who came with me, also started laughing.

I asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Someone fought for me for the first time," she said.

Supriya asked, "Are you both pretending to be girlfriends?"

I said, "Pretending? No way, here Geet is being prepared to become a bride, poor thing got trapped."

Supriya started laughing, "Then go ahead, I don't have any problem anyway, you just do it for the sake of drama."

Geet said, "Why are you saying that?"

"Because I just need 10% of Geet dad's wealth, the rest doesn't matter, as long as you're my girlfriend. Right?"

Geet said, "Yeah, you're right."

I got angry, "I do care. I'm not going to give my dad's wealth to anyone, not to Ranjeet for marriage, not to Geet either. I don't like Geet, I want to live alone."

Geet said, "Whether you love me or not, what does it matter to me? Don't tell me, we're not even friends."

Supriya said, "You're not even friends? Yet you're fighting for each other?"

Saying this, Supriya left in anger. As if she thought we were friends. This is the first time I'm fighting to make a friend, someone who has ever mattered, why do I need her, what has she done? I even sacrificing for me. Me? Me? I'm adjusting. I know she's bad, that's why. Not because I feel lonely even though I have my family, yet I'm alone, Jay was never there with me. I spent my entire school time alone, sitting on a bench, while everyone else shared their lunch. I used to look at my lunch alone, even though the food was good, I didn't feel like eating, I was eating worst food. No matter how much I lie, my victory lies in Geet's victory. I see myself in her, but Geet is more successful than me. I wish I could do it too, but I'm happy knowing that I can fulfill one of Geet's shortcomings, my list of shortcomings is so long that maybe it can never be fulfilled. 

Geet must have thought something with me, then she said, "Payal, thanks for fighting for me. I said more than I should, you're not wrong, you're not going to stay in my life, so I'm a little scared. I know you don't need me..." 

"Geet, I need you. Yes! I need you. You're an inspiration for me, you've achieved so much, I can learn so much from you. Today, I was just angry, I've never really tried, but today, for the first time, I'm fighting for you and inspiring myself a little, like I can do something too."

"You can do everything, didn't you see, how you became a lioness?"

"I also felt like I had lost control. It's good you stopped me. What will happen by fighting with Dad? He'll never understand. He thinks my marriage is good for me. What kind of good life I want? He never asked, just imagined."

"We all do the same thing mistake, where do we get the idea of what the other person likes?"

"Then ask? What difference will it make? Will someone never make poor? Why impose your thoughts on someone? Remember, you didn't even directly kiss me, as if some donkey did it with me. He likes me but didn't even ask me out. You asked me. What will happened If I got a little freedom, give me the right to say yes or no."

"So, if I kissed you, would I get slapped?" Geet said, laughing.

I didn't find this funny at all because I didn't even want to think about kissing. Where did this conversation go? I'm feeling bad, what did I talk about? shit! Kiss? Is that even a topic? dam! I should keep quiet now.

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