10 1 1

Jeon Y/N, a brilliant physicist, sits at her desk in her lab. The walls are lined with scientific equipment, monitors and calculations.

Y/N checks her monitor screen for the results of her experiments. She seems frustrated as she taps her pen nervously on the table.

She looks up from her monitor and stares at her papers. "Damn it, there must be something I'm missing..."

Y/N groans in frustration and stands up from her chair. She starts pacing around the room, considering her next move. She can't believe that the results of her experiments aren't making sense.

"There must be something wrong with my calculations... something I haven't considered yet..."

She glances at her computer screen again, hoping for some insight or a spark of inspiration. She runs her fingers through her hair in thought, getting more and more frustrated as she paces.

Y/N runs her fingers through her hair and paces, she feels a slight tingling sensation in her body.

"Weird..." she thinks to herself as she keeps pacing.

She stops and stands still, feeling more tingling and a strong sense of vibration from inside her.

She looks back at her computer screen and notices that her calculations seem to be changing, seemingly all alone.

Suddenly, the tingling intensifies and she feels her body being pulled, as if there's an unseen force dragging her towards it.

she is powerless to resist it. She tries to fight it, but the force is too strong and she finds herself being dragged closer and closer towards the computer screen.

She reaches out and grabs the edge of the screen, but her hand simply goes through it. Then, suddenly, she feels herself being pulled into the screen.

Her body disappears and she finds herself in another place, one she does not recognize.


Hey there am pixie

I am quite actually happy and determined to start writing ff for first time
I hope u all like it and stay tuned for the upcoming twist ...

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