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"I........................... I am sorry what?" Ash asked, unable to believe what he just heard.

"I.............................. I am the first born of Madame Boss, the founder of Team Rocket...................... I was supposed to be the next Boss................................. Mom send me to Rota gain intelligence on the Rota.............................. It was supposed to be the first step in establishing a base in Rota. Mom also thought that if I was successful, I would have gained the legitimacy to succeed her without issue," Delia said as she looked at Ash, expecting him to look at her with hateful eyes. Ash looked at her teary eyes and hug her.

"I don't hate you Mom! Whatever you did in the past is irrelevant!" Ash said as he broke the hug and saw Delia crying.

"I-I....................................... I have been holding this inside for so long! I was so scared that you will hate me!!!!!!!!!!!" Delia said as Ash wiped her tears.

"How did Dad react?" Ash asked with a smile.

"He merely asked if I knew that he was the Prince from the start and thus tried to get close to him for the mission................................. I decided to lie, I knew if I told him the truth, he will say he didn't care about my past if I am willing to forget it and redeem myself. But when I lied to him, telling him getting close to him was all part of the mission..................................... He told me I didn't even knew how to lie," Delia said as she wiped her tears.

"Dad sounds like a good judge of character," Ash said.

"He was, he really was," Delia said as she looked at the night sky.

"He hugged me and told me I was on my path to redemption and he wanted to be there for me," Delia said.

"He also showed me the truth........................... about how evil Team Rocket was, I knew it were into Pokemon Stealing and Black Money, which..............................Arceus I can't believe there was a time when I thought it was fine.............................. As I was saying............................. I knew about Pokemon Stealing and Black Money, but he showed that Team Rocket was so much worse, contractual killing, smuggling! Black market! Prison breaks, riots, illegal fights! Prostitutions! so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much more," Delia said.

"After realising the truth, I became a Double agent, I pledge loyalty to Queen Anne and started informing her about all shady activities of Team Rocket in Rota and other parts of Kanto........................... with my aid, Team Rocket was never able to make a footing in Rota............................... But soon, Mom found out I was the Mole. One day, she called me back, I didn't knew she knew and went alone................................. And I was imprisoned and........................... she tried to brainwash.............................. she and that damn traitorous brother of mine who I treated like a son!" Delia said as she tighten her fist.

"But my imprisonment was no for long, your father came to my rescue.................................. He passed through all the grunts in lightning speed! He defeated Giovanni! And was able to take me away, in front my Mother, her face........................... You should have been there, you would have laughed yourself crazy," Delia said as she looked at Red's Photo.

"No one even tried to stop us, we even stayed at Viridian for the day because it was late at night. We spend the night-" Delia said as she blushed.

"You spend the night?" Ash asked.

"I will tell you when you are older................................ anyways, The next day, he took me back the Rota and with the Blessing of Queen Anne, we married each other................................. We remained Happily married for 5 years.................................. Before................................ before 5/11, a terrorist attack on Rota castle............................. your father died protecting everyone. After his funeral, I requested that I want to do nothing with Aura BS, I have already lost my husband because of it! I can't lose my son in it too!!!!" Delia said.

"Queen Anne understood my pain and let me go with enough money for us to live our lives comfortably," Delia said.

"With that Money, I was able to settle ourselves in Pallet with a Farm and a restaurant," Delia said as she looked as Ash.

"Are you alright?" Delia asked.

"It is just..................................... A lot to handle................... A lot to progress," Ash said.

"I understand, ake as much time as you want dear," Delia said as she hug him.


"Today was a tough day, wasn't it Pikachu," Ash asked.

"//Tell me about it,//" Pikachu said.

"Yeah, too much for my brain to handle..................... anyways, we will think about this tomorrow, good night!" Ash said as he closed his eyes.

"//Yeah same//" Pikachu said as he did the same.


"Chosen One" Ash heard a voice, his eyes were close so he didn't know who was calling him. He just knew one thing, that was that Pikachu was one his shoulder. Other than that, he couldn't feel a single thing.

"Open your eyes son," The Feminine voice ordered Ash as he did the same. He opened his eyes to see the one, the only! The Mother of All! Mother Arceus.

"Arceus!" Ash said as he looked at Arceus at the eyes.

"Chosen One! I am happy to see your mother has finally told the truth about your heritage and your blood!" Arceus said as Ash looked at her confused.

"I don't get it, why should it matter to you whether my mother has told me about my father or not?" Ash asked.

"//Yeah! What is in it for you?//" Pikachu asked with attitude (Yes he is throwing Attitude to God).

"Chosen One! The world is not like how I made it! Evil Team attacking and Harming my children and grandchildren! Rich bastards doing Environmental Degradation! Religious Leaders calling their followers to arm in my and my family's names! More and More Aura Users getting corrupted!!! I want my world clean! And it up to you! You and Your Aura Foundation!!!!" Arceus said.

"I am not a Member of the Aura Foundation," Ash said.

"You are Destiny to be! You are destiny to be the Next Aura Captain!!!!! Go to Rota, complete your Aura training and clean the world!!!" Arceus ordered.

"If you think I can do it! I will do it for the betterment of the World and Pokemons!!!!" Ash said.

"Thank you Chosen One!" Arceus said as a blinding light came.


Ash woke up on his Bed and a determined look on his face. He went down to the living room to talk to Delia but suddenly, the home telephone started ringing and he went to pick it up.

"Hello?" Ash asked.

"Hey Cousin," Ash heard a familiar voice and smirk.

"Queen Ilene, what can I do for you in this fine day?" Ash asked.

"Just called to ask when are you coming?" Ilene asked.

"I need to talk to Mom first," Ash explained.

"Of course, and listen, please bring Aunty Delia, it has been ages since I have seen her," Ilene said as she hangs up the phone.

What do you think? Will Delia accept it?

Ash BetrayedWhere stories live. Discover now