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I was not able to cope properly with the idea that I had to do my husband's chores or that I had to dress him as he only hand but I was bound and determined to make this come true all the while the letters were still coming up, piling up on the front door or in the mailbox as if trying to say that "I'm still here bitch!" Did not really enjoy the idea of having a deal with the ladders anymore so I ended up trying to do what was equivalent of a restraining order. I didn't know what it was called, but I asked for when I said one of those restraining order thingies and said please help me get rid of this person out of our lives soon enough the letter stop coming and then a newspaper came and showed the woman who was actually a Buddhist nun who was about  70 pounds and stat and was not very big either she was actually being held for trial for attempted murder of a yakuza boss get this one the Jacuzzi boss did not want to deal with the drawing version of a trial he was always always forever on zoom trying to figure out how to talk about his experience with mireiko!
That being said, I was not excited about having to see him in the closed room, talk about his problems, but he could not be in the same room as her as I had ordered the restraining order that being said, it was very interesting and when it was my turn to go on to give a statement to the court about what had happened to my husband and what I had a deal with it was very disturbing to make a witness or victim impact statement as a wife what I wasn't even the victim, I was just the sub victim if you were the indirect victim of this person's attack. When I realize that things were finally going to quiet down, hopefully that's what I try to find love for my husband again, but could not really find that much love for him, so I stuck with Joe for a while until I was able to recuperate mentally this whole situation!

At the time of the situation, I was really fast and haired from dealing with this situation that I wanted to take a vacation back to America to go and visit my friend in Pasadena that was talk to her about this whole situation even though I should be talking to a therapist it was something that I had to do so I ended up packing my stuff and asking my husband man to go and take care of her while I was gone therefore I ended up going back to Pasadena to talk to her and telling her the good and the bad that was going on in my life, particularly I was trying to show more good than bad, but my eyes were the windows to my soul. I cannot help but show the distress that I was going through at the time.
Show more than that I saw my husband nearly dying of an infection and stuff like that that he will never be able to tattoo again for anyone never mind or that he couldn't do half the stuff that he did without prosthetic. It was kind of aggravating for him, and it wasn't exactly pleasing to the eye for me to see him cry. Every moment he did, knowing that he lost his hand!
I afterwards and saying well, my husband lost his head because of and I lied about this part work related incident that being said, I did not want to say much more about that except I started to cry and it became more a parent than it was not a work related. It was something else personal life that was causing him to so badly I don't know what was going on. That's what I decided to take a good few months in America and enjoy my friend and her friends as well. Who seemed to judge me at first, but didn't judge me afterwards I was able to make some friends and I was able to, these new friends as well as an old friends as well I was not excited about having to go back. Was that being an expat!
I stay with my new friends and my old friend Lisa, but that wasn't gonna happen. I had to go back. It was gonna be a pain in the ass for me to deal with, but it was something that I needed to do as a loving wife to be with my husband and his type of  need.  I miss Pasadena so much and I missed half the people there I didn't want to really leave for anything except well to go back to my husband. I tried to talk to my husband after I got back to go and go back to Pasadena and not LA where we had problems said we were just trying to figure out what to do next with our life and I kept saying Pasadena!  He would never move on that he was always stuck in a rut. If you would this right was really bad and he did not want to deal with anything except the fact that he lost his hand. After a while, I decided I was just going to accept the fact that he did not Have the same abilities as he did before he would have to discover new abilities and new ways of doing things because stubborn!  as I was realizing this for the first time that he had survived this devastating infection and then he was able to enjoy life again despite losing a hand I was there to give him a hand if he needed it that being said this is the end of this will be continuing on........

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