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Having my daughter in my life again, was surreal the idea of just having her my life for the first place was surreal enough that I didn't know what to expect how she was going to react to me or anything for that matter she seemed to be very happy where she was And what she is now she was not exactly too tickled to be my daughter, but she ended up growing to like me at least I think that was a good term to say, but she ended up not really fully trusting me as if she were to know that I was not with her father she kept saying that daddy why she was speaking out a very young age was beyond me, but she just was developing very quickly. She knew that her father wasn't in the world.
I was going through the motions of trying to deal with the situation at hand the idea that she was no longer with her favourite people now she was now with two other people who really didn't have time for her always being daycare was a pain in the ass for her I could just imagine my take a toll on my family life that being said I was not happy to see her in daycare, but she was at least making some friends who were as developing as quickly as her, but that was beside the point she was making some friends at least!
Soon enough, I was able to see that she was able to talk full sentences as well as she was able to see that life wasn't gonna be the same without her father never mind that she was going to be quite different in school. It has she known about her father in the first place, the idea that her father hijacked and blew up an airplane that will not be easy for her to deal with in the first place she ended up having to , just enjoy the fact that she has friends now brace herself for what was gonna happen. I had to talk to her about bullying.
Not She was bullying but I didn't want her to feel like a victim or confront her in the schoolyard one about her father that is ever found out in the schoolyard that her father was the one that took hundreds of lives as well as well as I found really ridiculously stupid was the idea that he ended up doing this twisted I was twisted and I found it ridiculous I still wanted to know what was going on in his head at the time!

When Anita would see how doubting I was to my daughter, it was very interesting to see that she would smile at me even though she would have to imagine that I was with a man at one point before becoming a lesbian. That being said she didn't take that too far as a thread, but she was just trying to see what my daughter was like. She said that she had a daughter wants, but had her daughter taken away from her because of neglect reasons, she was not able to be a mother at the time she would turn back. She said if it meant anything to be with her daughter again, but at the time she was not in a very good place with her health!
She was still dealing with the trauma of being an orphan and stuff. She did not want to deal with anything at the time except for her own demons even at that that was pushing it!

Anita's scars one of them looked like she had the jokers smile you know the joker from suicide squad. It was very peculiar. I said who did that to you. She didn't wanna say anything. She clammed up and froze as if to say I'm not talking about it then she said what she had to say.!"

That one of the warlords did this too her in Somalia!   it was a very hard thing for her to talk about as she was not able to at the time she said and was starving at that time. She didn't really want to talk about this whole thing.

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