Double win!

22 1 5


I was sitting in the family room along with my husband and two kids.

I was helping Wenceslaus do homework as I noticed he seemed to have a struggle with writing and math.

I was getting a bit frustrated, like seriously how does the kid not know what 3x3 is?! Of course I only said this in my head.

I was trying to break it down the best I could but he wasn't grasping on to any of it.

I wasn't the only one struggling though, Rupert was trying to get Elyina to finally walk but to no avail.

She refused to do anything but crawl or scooch, neither wanted to give up since both were stubborn as rocks.

Rupert had Elyina standing, since she could do that alone but he couldn't get her to walk.

She just poured and stared at him. "Cmon hun you can do it just walk over." Rupert tried to entice her.

"No." She said pouting even more.

I saw out the corner of my eye Cecily watching silently, when did she get there? Has she ever been this quiet??

I saw her slowly creep behind Elyina before yelling "boo!" Making Elyina shriek and run to Rupert in fear.

"Yay! You did it!" Rupert cheered only for Elyina to cry as she had been scared. Wenceslaus laughed and I turned to him "now it's your turn."

He groaned and his head slammed into the table. I rolled my eyes before turning to Cecily.

"Hey Ceci what are you doing here?" I asked as I grabbed an orange and started peeling it.

"Waiting for Joan her shift is about to end and she promised to take me out on about date tonight!" She smiled as she took an orange slice from my hand and ate it happily.

We chatted for a bit until Joan showed up and left with Cecily. "They are a cute couple." I told Rupert as I grabbed Elyina from him so he could help Wence instead.

"They really are." Rupert smiled and patted Wenceslaus' back who was pouting. Even though I had tried im not very good at teaching especially to someone who doesn't understand.

I played with Elyina as now she was walking, I guess she knew the jig was up and she couldn't pretend anymore.

As Rupert and Wenceslaus finished up I had gotten up to put my daughter to bed as she had fallen asleep soundly.

"Ready for bed kiddo?" I smiled to Wence who was rubbing his eyes. He nodded and Rupert walked him to his room, and I laid Ely down in her nursery.

Good thing she was older and I could have my room back to my husband and I again.

I went to my room and the bathroom door was open, I walked in and smiled at Rupert who was relaxing in the bath.

"Mind if I join?" I asked as I got ready to get in. "Yes but only if you let me use you as a pillow." He teased as I slid in behind him and he laid against me with a hum.

"Love you." He said softly, "love you more" I smiled the leaned down to kiss his lips.

We relaxed in the tub till the water got cold and I have to say I was very happy to be able to relax.


HIII! Sorry I didn't post last week I was busy and every time I had time I fell asleep! So I made this I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Also should I skip ahead a bit? To maybe when Elyina is 4-5 and Wence 9-10? Then you'll meet somemore oc's of mine then. 😏


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