Slow day

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Growing up I was trained to wake up at a very early hour. And for days in a row non-stop I've learned to do it on command.

This morning when I woke up, I opened my eyes to see my beautiful husband sleeping and our adopted son Wenceslaus.

I smiled softly as I looked at both Rupert's hair in every which way, and Wenceslaus' mouth was wide open and soft snores could be heard from him.

It was too early for the sun to rise, so I got up and got ready for the day.

I decided that today I would do my morning run which I had missed out on yesterday, due to a certain chain of events that I dare not say.

As I got in some lightweight clothing I traveled downstairs to the courtyard, where I started to run.

After I came back to my room, the sun was now visible. After I got out of my bath and changed into fresh clothing I noticed Rupert started to wake up.

I laid my top half on the edge of Rupert's side of the bed while I looked at him waiting for him to fully open his eyes.

When he did, the sun made his brown eyes turn a honey looking shade and he blinked a few times, adjusting to the light.

"Good morning my love" I said softly to him. "Morn'in" Is the only thing he musters out before rolling onto his face and he pulled the covers up higher on his body.

"Don't turn away from me!" I say chuckling as I pull the covers off him, leaving him grumbling and pulling them back up.

Our bickering continued and I guess that woke up Wenceslaus, "Why are you so loud?" He grumbled pouting at us as he held his stuffed unicorn.

I chuckled as I stood up and snatched him off the bed, he let out a scream as I shook him around. "Is this loud enough for you?!" I said loudly.

Sure I had no reason for this but I was energized after my run and usually it takes forever to get this kid up, if he doesn't wake up on his own.

When I stopped and was just holding him he was laughing uncontrollably.

Rupert shooed us out all out of the room for being too loud, and so he could get ready for the day as well.

Since I was up and ready before him I decided that today I would make breakfast.

I had wenceslaus by my side helping me cook and he asked unending questions on what this was or what that was.

The more questions he asked the more I realized that our diets were extremely different from each other, since he was used to food from the hinterlands, being basically scraps. And when Rupert would cook it was Western dishes.

When We finished and I was putting the food on the table Rupert was walking down the hallway and getting ready to sit down. I rushed over to his seat to pull it out for him to sit and he only chuckled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as he sat down.

As we all sat and got ready to eat Wenceslaus decided to play 21 questions again over his food.

Me and Rupert had to keep trying to urge him to eat the vegetables and various spreads.

But he was more lenient to try it as I told him that we would normally eat most of the food with our hands.

In the end he liked it and asked for more which I gladly gave to him.

But we couldn't get him to drink the tea I had given him, something about it being too bitter. So he settled for orange juice instead which was ok with me as long as he was eating some things that were healthy for him.

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