Wence's Birthday! (Pt.1)

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Today was Wence's birthday, we aren't sure if this is the actual day he was born but he said it was a teen in July, so we settled on the 15th.

According to him his family before us only celebrated his birthday once and they only said Happy birthday and forced him to do a normal work day.

He said it was 'poo poo' and he made us promise we would do better.

Right now he's at school and I'm Eloína move a few heavy things around with Joan, the party will be set in the ball room.

Even though me and Rupert weren't planning on a big party since Wence isn't all the way there with his people skills yet, Lavinia insisted that the prince's first party should be on to remember.

Rupert tried to protest but Lavinia being the stubborn woman she is stood her ground and in the end one.

After I moved the final table I walked over to Rupert for a chat.

"Hey love, how you doing?" I ask seeing as her looked on edge the entire time we've been setting  up.

"Oh, I'm just worried if Wence is going to like it. He's not very good around people, hell we couldn't even get him to chat to the guests at our wedding!" He rambled and I listened and silently put a mental note to tell Rupert he owes the swear jar a coin.

I rubbed his back gente lay with my hand in an attempt to ease him a bit. "Yeah but hopefully your mother didn't find the guest list, because if she didn't I'm sure he's going to be fine." I smiled at him kissed his cheek.

He smiled softly and hummed as he watched the final decorations be put up.

"It's almost time to go pick Wence up we should go." I say leading him out the ball room.

"Oh you go I have to get Elyina dressed!" He says going the room we used as a daycare for the staffs children. We let Elyina play with them so she could have friends.

"Ok I'll be back" I say kissing Rupert's lips before walking off.

I decided I wanted to walk to the school since it wasn't too far. And I wanted to give the staff a bit more time to have everything perfect for Wence.

I waited outside with a few other parents until the final school bell rang and the kids were let loose.

I smiled at Wenceslaus as he ran up to me, I kneeled down and hugged him tightly. "How was your day?" I asked him roughing his hair a bit.

"It was fun! Since its my birthday I got to eat a cookie!" He exclaimed smiling at me and I notice something.

"Wenceslaus what happened?" I asked seeing a gap in his mouth, he had a gap before but it was on the side and his adult tooth grew in, now he had a new gap in the front.

"Oh yeah! I was playing during recess and I fell off the tree, it was crazy! I fell face first in the ground!" He yelled throwing his arms out.

I sighed and smiled at him, "kid, you need a leash im convinced." And he looked at me the I was crazy. "WHAT AM I A DOG?!"

I laughed and stood all the way up and reached for his hand so we could start our walk back.

As we walked we talked about things at first it was talk about how great I was, which was strange coming from him. Then he asked about the gifts he got for his birthday.

When he asked if I knew what my mother had gotten for him I smiled and rolled my eyes, I realized he tried buttering me up so I would talk.

"I'm not telling you~!" I tease and when he tries to insist I swung my hand around gripping his tossing him around, and at one point he fell but I kept walking leaving him struggling.

"STOP IT!" He yelled giggled as at one point he gave up and just limply laid in the air as I dragged him.

I let go of his hand and he fell with a thud. "Owie!" He yelped looking at me frowning. "You're being a butt head!" He whined as he got up and crossed his arms and walked.

"Really?" I asked and he ignored me and kept walking with his arms crossed.

The entire rest of the walk we simply played and by the time we got the castle he had seemed to forgotten there might be a chance of a surprise.

I smile as I think to myself how great I am at distracting. Honestly Cecile's  going to have to watch out because I'm took good!







I hope you guys liked this sorry I took a while everytime i got to righting it a fell asleep🫣.

And I'm about to sleep again🤭 but before I dooo here's part 1!

Have a good morning evening or night!! TOODLES!

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