Sleep deprived

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Thanks to Elyina's arrival, Amir and I have had our schedule changed to fewer meetings in one day and our work day starts later than before.

But also thanks to Elyina's arrival we have been getting even less sleep than before.

Right now I am trying my best not to fall asleep during this meeting, but I don't think even the gods can save me.

Usually when I sleep during meetings I have Amir to help me stay awake, he usually pinches me or makes a movement or sound and wakes me up.

But even he was struggling today

I started to doze off my eyelids heavily but awoke to the sound of a loud bang.

The room grew quiet and my head flew to where the sound was.

It was Amir surprisingly he had fallen asleep first and by the looks of it.

"My apologies, continue" he said then he leaned to my ear. "I moved my knee and it slammed into the table"

He said quietly right after he tried to hide a yawn behind his hand.

Queen Atossa sat up, "maybe we can continue this meeting at a later date, it is not urgent and can always be rescheduled" she said looking at the diplomat.

He nodded his head and collected his things.

As everyone left the meeting room Me and Amir were pulled off to the side.

"Are you two ok? You both look half dead and Amir you know better than to sleep during a meeting" Atossa said a worried look on her face.

Amir looked off to the side he looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry it's just we haven't gotten much rest since Elyina."

I said, rubbing my hand over my eyes.

She sighed and seemed to have understood where we were coming from.

"Well we can't just leave a kingdom unattended" she sighed looking down seemingly deep in thought.

We were silent for a bit and I started to sleep again, I leaned against Amir and was woken to a loud clap.

I jumped up and stared at Atossa.

"How about one person doing meeting and kingdom responsibilities and getting a full night's rest on one day, and the other is on baby duty? And you two switch everyday or every other day" she said looking at us

"That could work," Amir said, nodding.

"How about you two go sleep I'll take care of the rest of today and tomorrow you can start." She said shooing us off.

"I Can finish the day it's just two more meetings" Amir said trying to testify going to bed, me on the other hand was far ahead.

"Amir you fell asleep during the meeting, it had to be cut short. Rupert is doing better than you and he sleeps through more meetings than you." She said pushing him towards our bed chambers

"I don't sleep through many meetings" I said Turning around, "yeah but it's still more than him" she said and shoved us both in our room.

"I'll send a servant to check on you later, and to make sure your children are taken care of for the day." She said before slamming the door.

Amir stood there looking at the door while I stripped my clothes off and simply threw on one of Amir's shirts and threw myself on our bed.

As I got under my covers I looked at Amir who was getting ready for bed rather slowly.

"Bed now." I said, opening my arms.

He smiled softly before getting in with me and laying in my arms.

Although I knew he wouldn't stay long since my blankets were too warm for him, it felt nice.

I started to drift to sleep still holding him and I felt a kiss on my cheek and a mumble. It sounded like "love you" but I wasn't very sure.

I simply made a noise and I went to sleep quickly.







I should be sleeping too honestly my eyes hurt, I hope y'all like this one ima go eepy now


TTP Oneshots-ish?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz