After wedding

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This is a continuation from the chapter in the other book, read that if you want.


When I woke up, I was a little confused on why I couldn't really move. But when I looked up I found that there was more than just my unicorn on the bed.

I shimmied from under the pile confused on why Fitzroy and Porridge were in my room when they usually sleep in Amir or Rupert's room.

I got out of bed and yawned. I grabbed my stuffed animal Grandma Lavinia gave me and I wiped my eyes and started walking to Rupert's room. It was morning and usually I went to either of their rooms to sleep more or talk to them.

I said hello to a few guards but when I opened Rupert's bedchambers he wasn't there and the bed was still made, in confusion I went to Amir's and I frowned when I found that he was missing as well.

I walked up to a guard who was posted in the hallway by an entrance, he looked down at me and his hardened focused gaze softened, he crouched to my level and asked me what was wrong.

"I can't find Rupert or Amir, they aren't in their rooms." I said looking down at my hands, When I was looking down I noticed that my pajamas were a little too big and I could only see my toes which were barely peeking out from under the fabric.

"Remember their wedding was yesterday, so now they are sharing a room." The guard informed me, "but they weren't in either of their rooms." I said in confusion, I'm far too sleepy to figure out this missing person's case.

The guard chuckled like something was funny and I frowned at him, and he must have thought something was funny because he cooed at me so in response I huffed and turned to go and look for them, I didn't need that loser's help! I thought indignantly.

"Wait prince, your fathers have a new room is down the left hall at the end, by the balcony!" The guard half yelled after me, and I turned around and gave him a quick thank you before running down the hallway.

By the time I reached the door, Porridge and Fitzroy woke up and were running to me from the end of the hallway.

"How dare they kick you guys out then HIDE from us. How rude" I said to the animals as I reached for the door knob which was locked.

"And they locked it!" So rude!" I looked down at Porridge and Fitzroy and it seemed all at once we got the same brilliant ingenious idea.

We stepped all the way to the other wall in the hallway, and when I said 1 we ran full speed into the door, and since im so strong and totally not because porridge is dragon. The door opened.

All three of us were on the floor, and we heard two screams, and I looked up to see Rupert and Amir sitting up in bed, with covers pulled up high.

I turned and was slightly upset that the door didn't break down but only swung open. But I was mostly glad I got into the two's room.

"How dare you hide from us!" I yelled sitting up. I saw Amir wince and hold his head and Rupert sighed and laid down.

Me, Fitzroy, and Porridge walked to their bed and tried to climb up when they both yelled no. I looked up in confusion and stared at them, Rupert was red faced and his hands were covering his face while Amiravoided eye contact and looked just as awkward.

"Why not?" I asked, still hanging onto the covers looking at them, their blankets still covering their bodies besides their heads.

"Just wait, how about we hang out during breakfast alright bud?" Rupert said as he lowered his hands a bit.

I looked at him pointedly but something in his eyes, almost looking begging that he would agree, made me groan and pout before agreeing before taking Porridge and Fitzroy out of the room slamming the door behind me.


"By Merlin that was close" I groaned, laying back next to my husband who also let out a sigh of relief.

"My back is killing me!" Rupert groaned as he moved his head to look at me with a small pout.

"I'm never drinking again" I grumbled as I looked at him as I held him kissing his forehead, I had a raging headache and I wanted to jump off the balcony.

Rupert only chuckled, before nuzzling closer to me. "We should get in the bath" He says quietly and I nod but groan at the idea of moving around.


The lord Chamberlain entertained me while I waited for Rupert and Amir to come to breakfast, I was pouting and grumbling the entire time like HOW DARE THEY make me wait this long.

Sure it wasn't breakfast time yet since I had gotten up earlier than usual. But still, sure I would never admit this out loud but I just wanted to spend time with them.

The Despair was really scary and they just defeated it, and it still gave me the shivers.

I was leaning my head on Chamberlain's body as he read a picture book to me, since I didn't know how to read to me, which was nice. His voice was comforting.

Then finally after years of waiting (an hour) I finally heard Rupert and Amir's voices down the hall as they walked to the smaller dining room.

I jumped up and ran from the family room to the dining room and I ran into Amir's leg, when I fell I looked up and smiled giggling.

"Hey kiddo sorry we had to kick you out earlier" Amir chuckled as he helped me up and dusted my pajama's off.

"I guess it's alright but what's not alright is making me wait for an eternity for you guys to emerge from your cave" I groaned dramatically as I walked and climbed into my chair at the table.

As Amir and Rupert sat I looked at both of them questioningly, "You're not making breakfast?" I asked.

"Nope leftovers" Rupert said in a quiet voice which was unusual as he was usually more enthusiastic sounding.

"You two are acting weird" I said suspiciously as I looked at them narrowing my eyes.

They both looked at me and Rupert turned red and quickly averted eye contact, Amir chuckled nervously as his darker eyes looked at me as he said, "I mean you said yourself we are weird. SO isn't this normal."

He tried to say normally but his voice cracked and I could tell he was fibbing, it was easy because Amir is a terrible liar and actor.

"Suuuuure" I said as a servant brought in a plate off food, and i got more distracted in eating and tossing food to the animals who were camped at my feet, begging for food.





I love this podcast and im so sad the fandom is dead...


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