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The next morning, I woke to a text from Eli.

'Good morning Beautiful'

A faint smile pulled across my lips, but I didn't reply. There was still something in the back of my mind that was cautious of him. Especially after our conversation last night. I know I led him to believe that I would be patient, but I couldn't stand him keeping secrets from me. But then again, we weren't together...

There was a soft knock on my door before my mom came into my room.

"Thank you for helping out with dinner yesterday." She smiled as she sat on my bed. She was already dressed in her scrubs, ready for her next hospital shift.

"It was no problem, you and dad needed the rest." I told her.

She smiled at me knowingly, "E.D. told me that she invited you to a family dinner, and that you accepted."

My eyes went wide, "I was going to ask you, but you and dad had so much going on."

"I don't have a problem with you going, I'm just glad you took my advice and decided to pursue Eli." She smiled. I quickly looked back at my phone, thinking about the test he sent me. The one I purposely didn't respond to.

"So when did you two make it official?"

"We haven't made it to that point."

"I see," she said, her eyes searching my face, trying to gauge my stance on the matter.

"I just don't know if I'm ready to have this thing that we have official yet."

"You mean a relationship?" She asked me.

I stayed silent.

"You can't be afraid to be in a relationship. It can be a beautiful thing, having someone care for you in a way only a significant other can." The way she spoke... I could tell she was talking about dad.

I'm sure dad wasn't keeping things from her, and wasn't long time friends/lovers with her enemy.

Just then, her phone rang, "I have to go sweetie." She kissed my forehead, "I'll see you later on tonight, and I want to hear everything."


I got to school with extra time to spare. I met Eli at the door, because somehow we arrived at the same time, and then walked into the building. "Hey." He greeted me, going in for an embrace. I gave him a side hug, not wanting his warmth to chase away the remaining oldness I feel for him. "Are you still upset about last night?"

I shook my head, "Why would I still be upset?"

It was a lie, we both knew it.

He didn't call me out and for that I was grateful.

We walked into school, without another word.

Eli usually walked with his shoulders back, chest out (not that he needed to put much effort into it), but today his posture was slightly sloughed.

His face unreadable.

"What's up with you?" I asked, going into my locker.

I noticed he kept looking around. Was he looking for someone?

Maybe trying to avoid them?

It couldn't have been Lisa, she was suspended, and he didn't know anyone else here.

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