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"Come on, what's the worst that can happen?" My best friend Sasha asked, not taking her eyes off of the road.

"I don't know, our parents can find out, we could die!" I told her, a slight panic in my voice.

She rolled her eyes, "It's just a party in the middle of the woods, what could go wrong?" "

"Everything! Everything could go wrong, I mean did you not hear yourself? 'It's a party in the middle of the woods'," I paused for dramatic effect, "Haven't you seen scary movies? Black people plus woods equal death." She laughed, "Dude just because we are African American does not mean we're going to be the first to die." "That's what they all say."

"Look, Chad is going to be there, and so is Liam." She smiled.

Chad was her boyfriend, and Liam, Chad's best friend, and guy I have a huge crush on. "Come on, it'll be fun."

I thought about it for a second. What was I nervous about?


Not only the parent with a damn good lie detector, but also the town Sheriff. If he were to catch me, or hear about it from his deputy's? The amount of trouble I'd be in...

"Don't worry girl, trust me, it's going to be fun! Especially now that we're upperclassmen." She squealed from excitement, making me laugh. 'I'm only going to be young one.' I thought, mind made up.

"Ok," I let out a breath, "but your parents are out of town right?" I asked, making sure. "Yes, so we can do whatever, and remember, just say that we're having a sleepover." "Fine, I'll go, but if I die, I will kill you." I told her. She laughed, "I love you best friend."

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes, a slight smile pulling at my lips.

"I'll be back at seven, to pick you up." She took a look at her digital clock, "Chad is expecting me soon."

I knew exactly what that meant.

"Ok, just don't be late." I pleaded, trying hard to hide my facial expression. Annoyance was one I hadn't mastered just yet.

"I won't, bye bestie!" She gave me a final wink.

"Bye." I said, but before I could get the word out, she was off. To see her boyfriend that she would be seeing later tonight, and spending the majority of her time with.

When her car disappeared down my street, going to the next street over, I made my way inside my house.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted. "How was school?" She shouted back from the kitchen. "Fine." I lowered my voice as I met her in the kitchen. "Mama, is it ok if I go over to Sasha's house tonight, she wants to have a sleepover." I let no time waste, for fear of second-guessing myself.

"I don't know," She said, her mind preoccupied with what she was cooking for tonight, "I thought you and your brother had plans tonight." "No, I'm going to a party." He said coming into the kitchen. I mentally face-palmed at his bluntness.

"Excuse me?" My mom said.

"A party?" I questioned at the same time, playing dumb.

"Cory, is there something you forgot to ask, or mention?" She gave the you're-about-to-be-in-trouble look, and I heard him audibly gulp. "Mama, can I please go to a party tonight?"

"No, you ruined your chance." She chuckled, "Maybe next time."

I couldn't help but laugh, "I am so the smart twin." "No you're not, I just do and say stupid things sometimes."

"Like I said, I'm the smarter twin." I smiled teasingly.

"Hey!" My mom called, sensing a fight, "You're both intelligent, stop competing with each other."

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