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Homecoming Game

The bleachers were filled with energetic high school students. Some cheering for their own team, others shouting rude remarks at the other. "I love nights like these." I smiled as we cheered.

"It's so exciting isn't it?" Sasha waved at Chad from across the field. They were actively playing, and I wasn't sure how he differentiated her waving at him from her regular cheer wave, but he did. He gave her a quick wave before making a play.

The cheerleaders had been on the sidelines cheering for most of the game, performing routines we learned only a few days ago, and making sure to keep the crowd entertained during timeouts and down time.

We had five minutes until halftime, and we were winning by twenty points.

"Look," Sasha smiled, tapping me, "it's Eli."

He was standing front row in the stands, in a crowd full of high school students cheering at the top of their lungs. While everyone around him yelled and cheered, he stood there with a suppressed expression. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, like a fish out of water.

But he came here for me.

His eyes caught mine, and he smiled. "I feel bad, he's here because of me, and I can tell he's out of place." I told her, giving him a smile back. "Well that says a lot about how he feels about you, and he doesn't even know you yet." She stopped cheering and looked at me, "Give it a couple of days, once he gets to know you, he'll find you repulsive." She shrugged playfully.

I punched her shoulder, "Not funny."

"Either way," She laughed, "you're still going to have to choose."

I looked over at Eli, he watched the game closely. Then I looked over at Liam, he played the game passionately. He was number 14, that was his family's legacy number. He was the fourth generation quarterback in his family, and there were high hopes of him going pro.

I was going to have to choose, but not until I gave both of them a fair chance.

"Get back to work girls!" Lisa shouted at us.

"Yes ma'am." We said in unison before continuing on with our routines.

When halftime came around, all the football players huddled at the sideline to listen to the coach. The students in the crowd left for concessions, and the cheerleaders sat down, tired.

"We're halfway there." Sasha reminded us as she took a sip of water.

"Living on a prayer." I smiled looking over at her, "Bon Jovi."

"That wasn't intentional, but good catch." She laughed.

I flashed her a smile before scanning the bleachers again. Eli was right where I last saw him, only this time, Lisa was talking to him. More like flirting actually, or at least trying to.

I noticed the toothy grin she flashed at him, the one she only gave to those she deemed worth it. Her body leaned into his as she picked up a strand of her dirty blonde hair and twirled it around her finger, biting her lip. She was giving him some intense eye contact.

Eli, on the other hand, didn't seem as interested. When she leaned into him, he stepped back. When she tried reaching for his muscular forearm, he put his hands in his front pockets.

In the middle of her talking, his eyes caught mine again, and they seemed to be begging me to come save him.

I smiled, getting up and walking over to him.

"Hey Eli." I greeted sweetly, "Hi Lisa." I dropped the tone of her greeting.

"Kourtney." She said with a bit of an attitude. She dropped her twisted up strand of hair, and brought her hands across her arms. My intrusion obviously wasn't welcomed by her.

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