Giving in

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Deanna isn't necessarily a person I feel like I can trust at the moment. During her "interview" process, she asked really personal questions, and crossed the line when she brought up Sam. Maybe it's a little harsh, because how could she have known Sam died, but at the same time how could it have not been more obvious? My boyfriend who I was visibly uncomfortable talking about, didn't show up to Alexandria with me. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

As we stop in front of Deanna's door, I look up at Carl with a blank stare. "I'll meet you back at the house." I mumble, straight to the point, and then knock on Deanna's door. Carl stands silently by my side for a moment, seemingly confused by my sudden cold demeanor, but as Deanna invites me inside, he sighs, and walks away.

I watch him walk away for a quick second and then open the door to walk inside, where I'm greeted by Deanna in the living room area.

"Good evening Charlotte. How's Alexandria treating you so far?" Deanna asks as she smiles politely at me, leaning against the arm of the sofa rather than sitting on it.

"Good...yeah, uhm- everyone I've met so far has been really welcoming, and I got to take a shower that's a bonus" I explain, giggling over my shower statement. Deanna laughs softly and nods her head in approval.

"Well, I'm so happy to hear you're settling in nicely. Now everyone in Alexandria usually gets set up with some sort of job, something to contribute to our town. I was thinking since you seem like you try to keep to yourself, maybe we could set you up doing laundry with Carol and Enid every Sunday?" She asks me, crossing her arms casually as she waits for my response.

"Uh, sure yeah, I think I can handle laundry." I say sarcastically, causing Deanna to smile at my playfulness.

"Perfect, I want you to meet Enid and Carol at the food pantry Sunday morning, around nine in the morning is when they get there. They'll explain everything to you."

"Cool, thank you, Deanna...and thank you for giving me a chance" I respond appealingly, almost at a whisper. I really am grateful, though I might not be the strongest, or most useful member for the town to rely on, I'm lucky I have been given a chance to live as close to a normal life as possible.

Deanna and I chat a little longer about my first full day in Alexandria, and after about five minutes we say our goodbyes. I make my way out of her gorgeous home, and start down the street towards Carl's house. My house? I'm just a guest so I suppose I'm not too sure what to call it.

The sun is beginning to set as it kisses the very top of the tall gates surrounding Alexandria. Most everyone has gone inside their homes for the night, besides the few parents trying to bribe their children with extra dessert to come back inside. The innocence that plagues this town is frightening. All of these people would lose their lives if Alexandria were to somehow become overrun, as none of them have been conditioned to fight for themselves. None of them have been exposed to the truth outside the walls, and are all completely blinded by their perfect, orderly lives they're living.

My evening stroll through the fools paradise is cut short, by the sight of my new home, just off to my left as I walk in the middle of the street. I sigh to myself, realizing that now, I have to face Carl once again after the incident at Ron's house. A strange incident really, as there was casual conversation, but underlying combativeness that no one spoke of. It's clear that there is high levels of animosity between the two, yet both of them have played it off as if it's not there, especially Carl.

Once I finally convince myself to go inside, I take my shoes off at the door, and notice Carl and Michonne in the kitchen preparing dinner. I make my way over, walking past Carl, who's washing up dishes, and lean against the counter a few feet down from him.

Envy in the Ashes // carl grimes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें