Forever and a Day

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Today is the day. It's the last day of school before summer vacation. I find it humorous that I'm gonna be a senior next year considering how much I struggled in the last three years. The stress of high school, homework, friendships, relationships, maturing, etc, have taken a toll on my mental health. I will admit I have an amazing support system inside and outside of the school.
My father is truly a remarkable man. Ever since we lost mom two years ago, dad and I have evolved into each other's best friends, and biggest support systems. He listens to what I have to say and does his best to understand my abnormal view on life. Then I have my boyfriend, Samuel. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm so in love with him it's almost sickening. He's patient, gentle, kind, selfless, and so much more. We've been together since the eighth grade and I plan to be with him for the rest of our lives.

My phone buzzes on my dresser as I stand lost in thought while straightening my hair. I have naturally defined wavy hair but for the last year I've been straightening it because I like the way it looks straight. I turn off my flat iron and place it down on the dresser to swap it for my phone.

*Text Message from Sam❤️*
"Good morning pretty girl, I'm out front! Hurry up so we have time to get breakfast"

After reading his message I giggle a bit to myself. He calls me pretty girl. He's perfect.

I quickly shove my phone in the back pocket of my shorts, grab my bag off the floor and made my way downstairs.

"I love you daddy" I express happily as he embraces me before I leave.

"I love you more" he puts simply while letting me go.

I lean up and kiss my dad on the cheek and turn away walking out the door. Outside I see Sam in his new car, a 2023 Mercedes-Benz E-Class. His family makes good money and bought him the car for his birthday last week. He just turned 17 which makes me about five months older than him. My birthday is in January, which is extremely inconvenient because there's not much to do in the winter time.

I make my way down the porch stairs and into the driveway towards the car. Opening the passenger door, I climb in and put my bag on the floor between my legs, put my seatbelt on, and turn to face Sam.

"Your hair looks nice darling" Sam tells me with a straight white smile, and as he neatly places a stray hair back into place for me, I lean over and give him a short, sweet kiss.

I pull away from the kiss and stay close to his face looking up into his blueish hazel colored eyes as I mumble quietly "My hair looks the same every day silly".

" beautiful" he says through a smile scanning my face one last time before driving off to school.

*at school*

After letting go of Sam's hand I sit down at my desk, third seat in the second row, and Sam makes his way to sit at his desk in the back of the class. I struggled with math this entire year, but Mr.Graham has been more than indulgent with me through it and I'm so grateful for him.

The class settles down and gets situated as our laid back as ever teacher Mr.Graham walks into the classroom while the second bell rang.

"Good morning everyone! I understand you're all very excited that it's the last day of school but we still need to be in the classroom right now." he announces kindly and waits for the few background conversations to completely silence themselves.

He smiles a proud smile looking around at us students and continues his speech.

"I finished all of your final report cards so you should be receiving those in about a week. Now has everyone handed me their ticket money for the end of school dance?" He asks and makes time for the last few students who waited last minute to come up and set their payment on his desk. Mr.Graham puts all the money neatly into an envelope and shuts it in his desk drawer. Of course the worst class is taught by my favorite teacher.

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